Anyone else on Contrave?



  • roberto99577
    roberto99577 Posts: 3 Member
    Ive been on contrave for about 3 weeks and have lost about 13 lbs

    I had the headaches the 1st couple of weeks as well, keep going they seem to get better
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I also am on it and just started week 4. I had the initial brain fog, occasional headache and a little nausea but all my side effects literally disappeared the end of week 3. I'm taking 2:2 now. I've lost 10 pounds since being on it - but not sure the pill has anything to really do with it as I'm eating a lot less and exercising too.
  • tashy41
    tashy41 Posts: 5 Member
    Glad to hear some people doing well on this. I was reading horror stories online before I started taking it on Saturday - I was a little terrified of the side effects.

    I'm on day 5 and down about 2kg (I was gaining beforehand, so some of this is water/waste). I haven't really had any side effects (mild headache, but I had one for the entire week before), but my binge eating basically disappeared the day I started taking it. I think my appetite is down a bit too, I'm taking ages to eat meals now because I'll leave it midway through and forget I was eating. But it might just be the heat!

    I'm hoping this changes my binging habits, so when I'm off this, I'll have broken that automatic habit of eating a bag of biscuits and a chocolate block because I'm a little hungry and my feet hurt (injured - hence the epic weight gain).

    Is anyone else really fidgety now? I'm not sure if it's me having more energy from eating really good food, or some weird side effect.