
I want to do this, but the more I try to limit what I'm eating, the more I want to eat. I've gained 12lbs since April. As my suggestions?


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    lestun wrote: »
    I want to do this, but the more I try to limit what I'm eating, the more I want to eat. I've gained 12lbs since April. As my suggestions?

    Don't limit what you eat, limit how much you eat.

    Just start logging, accurately and consistently. Every meal, snack, beverage, cooking oil, condiment, nibble, everything. Start to learn from it. Where do you waste calories? What foods fill you up for less calories? What do the days you struggle have in common? Tweak from there.

    You can have a couple of slices of pizza, or a piece of birthday cake, or a measured bowl of ice cream, if it fits your calories. Obviously if you go overboard with calorie dense treats, you will go over your calories, but with trial and error you'll learn which ones you can enjoy a reasonable portion that fits your calorie goal.

    Also make sure your weekly weight loss goal isn't too aggressive. Many people automatically choose 2 lbs per week, but unless you have 75 lbs + to lose, that's just not realistic or advisable.

    Good luck!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I sometimes find that happening to me too and you just have to learn to ignore “that” voice and log your food and try to stay under your calorie count. Most of us are on this site because somewhere in life we developed an unhealthy relationship with food which resulted in many of us eating too much when we didn’t need those extra calories.

    I’m too old (63) to waste much time in the “why” but the “how” is right here for you to read and follow. You just need to log your food and use the ap as a tool to help you develop portion control and healthier habits. Crunch time!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    lestun wrote: »
    I want to do this, but the more I try to limit what I'm eating, the more I want to eat. I've gained 12lbs since April. As my suggestions?
    There's no "but", the natural consequence of limiting too much (amount and or/variety) is a heightened need and desire to eat. Your diesire to eat is greater than your ability to starve yourself. And that's a good thing. Survival instinct and all that. If you want to lose weight, you have to do it properly. Just eat a little less, but consistently, and be patient, because it will take a long, long time.