Under eating



  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    edited June 2018
    I do weigh and measure everything. The breakfasts I do kind of estimate how much of it eat bc that's premade every Sunday, if it looks like I ate half of it, I put half, so those are give or take. But as for my lunches, dinners, I measure or weigh everything that goes on my plate unless we're eating out. I made my diary public, maybe someone can point out what on earth I'm doing wrong. My last measurements I had actually gained a little weight but I lost inches...
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    That's exactly what I'm worried about, is not giving my body enough fuel. But then I feel guilty if I stray from my meal plan. I definitely do it from time to time, I even have a "cheat day" once a week, So it's not like i freak out about that pizza or anything. I guess I just don't want something that's super fattening to fill in calories and blow all my macros to shreds.

    How many calories do you eat on your cheat day?

    I'm honestly not sure, I don't even log on my cheat days, just enjoy it. We usually go out to eat for dinner and I get a big ole steak and baked potato.

    So more than 900 then?

    Eating a snickers (or whatever 'bad' food you think you can't eat while on a diet) won't negate all the nutrition you get from the fruit and veg etc that you also eat.

    Also, peanut butter is your friend.

    I would think so! I don't eat a whole lot, like I don't go and snack all day long and just eat and eat bc it's a cheat day, but I also don't shy away from the good stuff!

    I used peanut butter in my breakfast this morning and it made a world of difference!!

    Why not eat some of that "good stuff" on days when you're low on calories instead of saving it all up for cheat days? It sounds like you're falling into something of an all or nothing mindset. Either no fun foods on "good" days or all of them on cheat days. If you spread the foods you like throughout the day you might find it a bit easier.
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    edited June 2018
    I don't feel like I'm purposely denying myself "good stuff" bc I genuinely like what I am eating. But I agree, I'm not doing something right. I'm still stuffed from breakfast though and am dreading eating lunch...

    I do have to tell anyone who looks at my diary, I was on vacation last week and was not going to mess with that while I was having fun! And I've only recently become consistent with my tracking.

    Edited to add I know this sounds contradictory to what I previously said....
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,642 Member
    I do weigh and measure everything. The breakfasts I do kind of estimate how much of it eat bc that's premade every Sunday, if it looks like I ate half of it, I put half, so those are give or take. But as for my lunches, dinners, I measure or weigh everything that goes on my plate unless we're eating out. I made my diary public, maybe someone can point out what on earth I'm doing wrong. My last measurements I had actually gained a little weight but I lost inches...

    It actually doesn't look like you're weighing in grams which is much more accurate than .5 cup or 1 scoop (not to mention the exact ounces) on some foods.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,737 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    k8eekins wrote: »
    I've always had a problem with under eating, I have just always eaten unhealthy so what little I did eat was full of crap. Since February I've been eating a lot healthier foods and going to the gym.The problem is with the healthy food, I'm unable to hit my calorie goal, which was originally 1200 but with my macros adjusted is closer to 1400. I am struggling so hard to eat enough healthy food to hit even 1000 calories. On average I eat around 900 cals a day, and burn over 500 in my daily workout. I'm always full, I feel like I'm always eating. Anything with the calories I need is unhealthy. I have started drinking a protein shake but it throws my macros off like crazy. Any suggestions on how to add more calories into my diet without stuffing myself to the point of being sick?? My body has adjusted itself to eating 3 meals, 2 snacks (usually shakes) a day when before just eating breakfast would make me gag, so I'm just really hoping my body will slowly allow me to add more calories...

    If you're not opposed to nut/seed butters, try peanut or soy nut butter or pumpkin seed butter ... as a dip or no bake snack options, with your oatmeal or as a peanut butter & jelly french toast option for breakfast , as a marinade or a salad dressing for dinner.

    I added peanut butter to my protein pancakes this morning and it made such a huge difference! Not just in the calories, but it also helped me eat the entire portion of my pancake instead of just the half portion I usually swallow down. I feel like I've eaten too much but I know I just need to adjust to it. Thank you!

    Are you having trouble finishing your portions normally because they don't appeal to you? If so, stop eating food you don't like! Food shouldn't feel like punishment just to fulfill your macros or some idea of 'healthy' eating.

    I don't finish them bc I get so full. I guess the peanut butter just enough extra taste that I just kept eating it lol. I am paying for it though bc I feel like I ate entirely too much. I did have that problem when I first started shakes, I couldn't finish them bc they were so thick and disgusting, and filled me up before half a serving. Then someone introduced me to one that was more watery in consistency and tasted great and I can drink them down pretty easy now.

    How much protein are you getting? Is 2 shakes per day necessary? Why not swap them for more palatable real food?

    That's a good point... I was in a weight loss challenge to lose body fat percentage several months ago and on their plan they wanted me to have two shakes. I guess i just got into the habit of having 2. My protein is set at 104g and I do usually go over it and way low on my fats. I'm going to see how that peanut butter balances everything out today and give up my mid morning shake bc I'm still feeling breakfast... I will figure out some kind of snack instead.

    Don't be way low on fats: That's very unhealthy. You need fats in order to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), in order to have healthy cells, in order to have good digestive-system throughput, for hormone balance, and much, much more. It's fine to focus on the most healthy fats - nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, etc. - but do get enough fat.

    Your peanut butter in breakfast should be a help with fats, and getting fats up more regularly will help with upping your calorie level, as they're calorie dense.

    Eat fats. You need them.
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Dang it, i had typed in a long reply and it didn't post. Second try.

    I weigh my meats and veggies, but do use measuring cups for most other things. I'll start weighing the rest and see what happens, I'm pretty curious now...

    I had my cheat day yesterday, I don't log on cheat days bc I don't want to worry over what I'm eating for one day, but maybe I should go ahead and do it? I know one day won't hurt me...

    Also, all of last week didn't get logged bc I was on vacation and I didn't want to deal with it at all. I just ate whatever I wanted for once, and enjoyed every second!
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    And I just want to say I'm not purposely eating so few calories, I legit get full very quick.

    If it says a half portion on anything but restaurant items and my breakfast pancakes, those were measured out. Guess I'll have to weigh my poor pancakes before I eat them to know exactly how much of them I'm eating lol.
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    I'll do that, starting today! I've only had breakfast so far so it's a good time to start. And that peanut butter is going to be a permanent part of my breakfast from now on. I knew I needed some fats, I just never thought it was as important as the protein and carbs.
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    OP did you feel overly full and only able to eat half portions when you were on holiday?

    I never finished my meals when we ate out, which is normal for me. I pass all my extras to my poor husband. And I missed most of the breakfasts from sleeping in so I probably only actually ate 2 meals a day most days... I didn't even think to take note of things like that.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    And I just want to say I'm not purposely eating so few calories, I legit get full very quick.

    If it says a half portion on anything but restaurant items and my breakfast pancakes, those were measured out. Guess I'll have to weigh my poor pancakes before I eat them to know exactly how much of them I'm eating lol.

    It doesn't have to be forever, it's just to get a handle on what you're actually eating. You can't make adjustments if you don't know what to adjust!
  • AmandaTucker127
    AmandaTucker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Definitely! There's something I'm doing wrong somewhere, hopefully that will pinpoint exactly what it is!
  • 23rochelle23
    23rochelle23 Posts: 269 Member
    edited June 2018
    Just as another thought - Are you sure you’re not intolerant to anything? Before I was diagnosed with coeliacs I spent every meal eating a few mouthfuls cause I was constantly over-full almost as soon as I started eating - it’s one of the earliest ways I can tell if I’ve accidentally ingested some now - I will be unreasonably full during a meal/snack
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited June 2018
    Is your goal weightloss? Then you have to eat less. That's all you have to do to lose weight. But you can't just pretend to eat less, or believe you're eating less, or eat less for a short while, you have to eat less for real, consistently, and for a long time, in order to lose weight. And you can't eat too little, because you can't do that for long before you want to eat more, and then you'll eat too much, and then you won't lose weight, you'll more likely gain weight. Weightloss is slow, and obfuscated by water weight fluctuations, and you need weeks of consistent monitoring of body weight, along with weeks of consistent food intake monitoring, to see a definite trend. If you're not losing weight, you're not eating less for real, consistently, and for a long enough time. You can, and because weightloss takes time, and burnout is a real threat, you should, eat what you like, and when you want to.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    My honest recommendation:

    Go to a psychologist or psychiatrist and tell them this. I am dead serious. I am a psych major working towards my graduate degree, so I am not a psychologist as I don't have my PhD (yet), but am educated in various abnormal psychological disorders. What you are describing is nearly textbook anorexia.

    I truly hope I'm wrong, as anorexia is one of the deadliest mental disorders.
  • chandraminick
    chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
    Add nuts, olive oil, avocade, peanut butter, ground flax seed and protein powder to your foods you already eat and it will add up fast.