best fat burning exercises

Just wondering what the most effective fat burning ecercises (especially for tummy) are. At the moment I am going to 3 spin classes a week and two sessions in the gym incorporating cardio and strength training. I was told running is a good way to burn fat so today I went out for a run. Well I ran 3 mins then walked 2 mins for the totally of about 45 mins. I am hoping to build that up so that I will be running a lot longer. I am consuming about 800 cals a day most days just. I supplement my breakfast and lunch with a diet shake and have a main meal of fish and veg. The odd day I will have a blow out and eat junk. Anyway my weight wont seem to go under 149 and my belly just wont shift. Any suggestions.


  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Bump! I want to know too!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    For me it has been running long distance and body weight strength training that really helps the core. Running long distance takes time to increase through a training schedule, but it really has been my saving grace :-)
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    If you don't eat more, your body is going to hold on to any fat it has, and whatever else you consume. Eat more!
  • fas815
    fas815 Posts: 31
    Bump! I'd like to know too!!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    You should up your calories to at least 1400. your body is going to need fuel you keep up with you and dont worry you will lose weight. Running, swimming, dancing...The best exercise for burning fat is the one that you love doing. So find you favorite exercise and go crazy but try to mix tin there a new thing once or twice a week to mix it up.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    If you're only eating 800 calories a day and working out that much you probably won't lose weight - because you are simply not eating enough.
  • brinsy
    brinsy Posts: 226 Member
    id love to know this too. would the 30 day shred work off belly weight(fat!)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Woah, you're only consuming 800 calories a day????

    Not the way to go, sadly, you'll struggle to get enough nutrients to keep you body going at that. And that's BEFORE you add on exercise.
  • LovesMyBananas
    For God's sake; EAT MORE!!!!!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    id love to know this too. would the 30 day shred work off belly weight(fat!)

    I lost 3 inches off my belly( I think ) from the 30 day shred. it is a great workout for you upper body and belly. But my problem area is my butt and legs so i will notice that results there last.
  • NoMoreSickandTired
    The minimum any person should eat, regardless of size, is 1200. You NEED to eat more (of the right things, not junk) fuel your body, keep up the cardio and you will see the weight come off!
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    I agree you first need to up your calorie intake, good calories and eat on a schedule. You will train your body to know that you are going to feed it, that way it will use and discard instead of storing and feeding off the little you do eat. If you not quite to the walking or running that you would desire the elliptical is a great machine to burn body (belly) fat because it incorporates entire body upper and lower, running will def help but if you not quite there yet than the elliptical will help you on your way. Usually the women that I train in the gym notice the difference after a good intensive month or so of steady good eating, elliptical, and core exercises. Women health have a great issue on burning belly fat you should/can check it out. Stay persistent and do not allow one day of discouragement and you wil get and see the results
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Martial arts are excellent for burning fat and also for toning up, especially your core muscles. In a 1 hour karate training session I estimate that usually I am working at full intensity for about 40 mins and that burns around 600 calories. It is great for all of your muscles too because you are using your whole body.

    Anything that involves moving your whole body and gets your heart rate up will burn a lot of calories so running and any of the Jillian DVDs like 30DS will burn a lot too. You do need to eat more though. In your goals you should set you weekly loss for somewhere between 1 and 2 pounds (1lb is recommended) and you should eat most of your exercise calories or you will find your weight loss stalls and you won't have the energy to do all that exercise. I hope that helps.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Follow the advice here – eat more. Go by MFP guidelines - trust the system. They're there for a reason and they work! (Lots of evidence here on MFP!) It takes both diet and cardio, not one or the other.

    Also, spot reduction is not possible. (ie. You cannot target fat loss in one part of your body like your stomach.) Your body will burn the fat wherever it chooses - thanks to genetics, mostly - and unfortunately you cannot control *where* you lose it from first. You burn fat by doing cardio. Strength training will tone your muscles, though you won’t see them when they’re covered in a layer of fat. Fortunately the more you tone your muscles, the more fat you’ll burn off.

    It just takes time and hard work.

    Typically, the first place you tend to gain weight is the last place you lose it. (For me it’s usually my tummy-tum!)
  • jameslucy
    jameslucy Posts: 85 Member
    THanks for the advice. Im a bit confused though. Everyone is telling me to eat more but the pharmacy were i got thr meal replacements say that if i replace 2 meals with the shakes and eat one main meal then I will loss 2-3 lb a week. There is just so many different sorts of advice out there.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member

    And, to agree with other here, eat more. Forget that weight loss shakes, eat real food, and use MFP to track your calories and exercise calories.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you need to eat loooooooooads more... 800 cals and then all that exercise is not good, your body will cling to every calorie it can so u wont lose weight. you need to be eatign your exercise cals back and trying to net at least 1000, or ideally 1200 at least.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    One really good tummy exercise is to walk on all fours like a camel. It really helps the muscles to tuck that tummy in! Walk on the palms of your hands, arms straight, and on your feet, legs straight, so that your bottom is straight in the air (the camel`s hump) and suck that tummy right in. Walk 10 to 15 steps like this, and then stand up to see the difference! I always tended to have a little pot belly, no matter my weight, and this would always make it disappear.

    It does not burn much fat, but sometimes our bellies stick out for reasons other than fat.

    I would stay away from the drugstore diet gunk. You are better off eating real food. Good food habits are worth investing the time to acquire because your lifetime health depends upon it, and nobody strives on that awful chemical bad-tasting stuff.
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    How can you do all that on 800 calories! My body would be storing the fat because of going in to starvation mode.