
I have been working out like crazy this week...doing 30DS, fast walking/jogging 3 miles around a near by lake, and going to the YMCA to work out...EVERY day. This afternoon I went to weigh in and I have gained 1.8 lbs. I don't get it and it's frustrating. What am I doing wrong??


  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    It could very well be muscle :) Don't worry about it! If you're doing 30 DS try to focus on inches rather than the number. :)
  • lizzyjgv
    lizzyjgv Posts: 10
    same here, i gained a pound... but i lost half an inch in my waistline and thats probably because of the muscle weight...
    dont worry too much about the scale coz muscle is heavier than fat and it burns alot of calories compared to
    that stubborn extra fat, so just relax... lol
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's not muscle. Muscles takes months and a calorie surplus to form. Most likely water weight because your muscles hold onto water in order to repair themselves, and if you don't take recovery days your muscles hang on to the water. Also, make sure you're eating enough to sustain all that exercise. If you don't eat enough your body will hang on to weight as long as possible as a survival mechanism.
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    It could be muscle weight. It could be water weight. It could be caused by too much sodium. It could be caused by your menstrual cycle. There are a lot of things that could be causing it. Try to focus more on inches and how you look/ feel rather than a number on the scale. :)
  • xcmom
    xcmom Posts: 33 Member
    Don't be discouraged about what the scale says. I find it takes my body a couple of weeks before I see a big change in the scales after changing up my workout or a week of hitting it really hard. Just keep up the hard work & you will see changes!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I agree with is water weight from the weight training. That was how a personal trainer explained it and said don't weigh after weight training because I would regret it (exerience with how women react). It is how our body physiologically reacts to weight training. I think you are doing your body good even if scale don't move. My first week on this site I started going to the gym again and I gain precisely 1.8 lbs and the next week it came off. Keep up the good work!
  • linzmarie316
    Thank you all...I do feel like I'm losing inches, I forgot to measure when I started, but I can tell. I will keep it up and hopefully the pounds will eventually come off too! ;)
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I had two weeks where the scale didn't move at all. My trainer then took my measurements and I found I was down 2% body fat as well as about 3-4 inches all over.

    Also, if you're working out and building muscle, your muscles retain water when they are healing and rebuilding themselves. So part of your gain could be water retention from your muscles healing.

    God bless!
  • betty51
    betty51 Posts: 52
    I heard Dr Oz answer this very question on his show and he said it was due to building musles and your body is keeping fluid around them but it will go down .Just keep it up and you will have a great loss
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    First mistake, don't weigh yourself in the afternoon. You should only weigh in the morning right after you get out of bed before eating and drinking anything.

    Second, I took a look at your food diary for the last couple weeks and you absolutely are not eating enough!! Most days your net is only 400-600 calories!!! Especiay if you're working out so much you need to eat to fuel your body.

    I agree with the others that it may partly be your muscles holding onto water to repair themselves with so much exercise.

    Those are my thoughts, but you need to eat more!
  • linzmarie316
    First mistake, don't weigh yourself in the afternoon. You should only weigh in the morning right after you get out of bed before eating and drinking anything.

    Second, I took a look at your food diary for the last couple weeks and you absolutely are not eating enough!! Most days your net is only 400-600 calories!!! Especiay if you're working out so much you need to eat to fuel your body.

    I agree with the others that it may partly be your muscles holding onto water to repair themselves with so much exercise.

    Those are my thoughts, but you need to eat more!

    I just read this after posting another post about being frustrated. I know you're supposed to weigh yourself in the morning, but my scale is broken and I've been doing it at the gym. Sometimes I can't get there until later in the day. :(
    As for not eating enough...I don't know what else I should be eating. When I eat too much, I feel huge and like I have ruined my day. What are some good things for me to add to my day??
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    How about things like almonds, nuts, peanut butter, banana, tuna.