Fresh fish

ktmccorkell Posts: 79 Member
Yesterday my husband went fishing and brought home some awesome bass. Normally we would beer batter and deep fry them, but since I'm doing MFP I want to try a healthier way to make it. I was thinking grilling or baking it. Does anybody have any good fish recipes that I can try.
Thank you, Kt


  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Pan sear, top with a little salsa or pesto and finish in the oven. Wrap in heavy duty foil with dill, lemons S/P and cook on bbq
    Putanesca Sauce goes well with fish......
  • rankailie
    rankailie Posts: 144
    Honestly bass is awesome with just a small amount of butter and pepper pan fried. Its how my dad always made it and its insanely good. Just melt a bit of butter in a pan, then add the fillets once its nice and hot and grind on some fresh pepper.
  • ivette512
    ivette512 Posts: 33 Member
    Pan sear, top with a little salsa or pesto and finish in the oven. Wrap in heavy duty foil with dill, lemons S/P and cook on bbq
    Putanesca Sauce goes well with fish......

    I made tilapia with a putanesca sauce yesterday. Its always great.