Slow start advice?

Hello there,

I would love some advice from someone who has had success with this.

Background : I’m a 30 year old male, have been overweight for around 10 years, and finally doing something about it. During these years, I was mostly sedentary. I’d take the stairs instead of the elevator and small things like that, and I basically walk everywhere - about 7km a day on average.

My old self would take in between 2700-3500 calories per day depending on the day. I didn't count then, so this is an estimate based on going back and logging what I thought I ate those days. I would say a 3k average.

With MFP, I’ve started logging everything I take in for food - and I rarely go above 1700 calories in a day. The diet portion has been on for about 6 weeks now. I don’t log my drinks - which are black coffee and water.

I also have been going to the gym for two weeks (4x a week, I know it’s just the beginning) and I haven’t lost any weight at all. I also bike home from work twice a week, which is 15km each time at a moderate speed (according to the MFP app, at least).

At the gym, I do quite a bit of cardio and strength training.

Is it just a slow start, or is this something I should be concerned about?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Did you lose weight before starting to work out? How are you measuring your calorie intake?
  • cegal3
    cegal3 Posts: 32 Member
    I am measuring it through weighing my food, and logging it on MFP.

    I did not have a scale until a couple of days ago, so I'm not 100% sure. My stomach seems to look a bit smaller, but it might just be wishful thinking.
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    I actually gained weight when I started weighing my food and counting calories! There was a degree of water weight gain from a new exercise regime, TOM and various other factors that all contributed.

    If you are confident of your figures, stick with it. Slow and steady is much more stable then fast and uncertain.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    cegal3 wrote: »

    I did not have a scale until a couple of days ago, so I'm not 100% sure. My stomach seems to look a bit smaller, but it might just be wishful thinking.

    If you started dieting 6 weeks ago and only started weighing yourself a few days ago, my guess is that the initial larger effect occurred before you could measure it.

    As you are lifting too I would make sure to take the body size measurements on the check-in page when you weigh in. You may be building muscle, which weighs more, and losing inches around the waist. Sometimes this happens so you can't see the fat loss because muscle and water weight raise the scale.

  • cegal3
    cegal3 Posts: 32 Member
    edited June 2018
    Thannks Grumpy and Emmies - I sort of had a hunch of this, but wanted to hear it from someone else since reading about dieting / weight loss / strength training online can have a lot of misinformation!

    I am lifting, and I can't believe I didn't think of measuring myself. I think I have to keep using the scale, but realize that there's way more to it than that.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited June 2018
    If you have just gotten a scale you should give yourself another 3 weeks to see how you are progressing. While being male we are still very subject to water retention we don't have a regular water retaining event so 3 weeks is usually enough time to see at least 50 percent of your target weight loss if your exercise regimen and diet doesn't change again.

  • cegal3
    cegal3 Posts: 32 Member
    I did weigh myself around 6 weeks ago with a scale at my parents house. That's why I'm wondering what to think of 6 weeks with no change.
  • linlindoll
    linlindoll Posts: 2 Member
    Just keep going! I find it can take your body a while to realize whats going on :) slow and steady, makes for more permanent weight loss.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    cegal3 wrote: »
    I did weigh myself around 6 weeks ago with a scale at my parents house. That's why I'm wondering what to think of 6 weeks with no change.

    You will get the most accurate results if you use the same scale, under the same conditions, for example, first thing in the AM, naked, after peeing.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I gained 7 pounds of water weight when I started working out again. Took a few weeks to come off.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    edited June 2018
    You don't have any (valid) data since you just started using your new scale.

    Identical conditions is what you're trying for.

    Unyielding floor surface. Similar time of day. Same clothes or none. After using the washroom. Before eating or drinking.

    Put data in trending weight app or web site. Review after 4-6 weeks if female, 2-4 weeks if male.

    Different scales don't always show the same number.

    Individual scales do tend to be more relevant in terms of showing your trend especially when used for multiple measurements over a sufficient time period
  • cegal3
    cegal3 Posts: 32 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    cegal3 wrote: »
    I did weigh myself around 6 weeks ago with a scale at my parents house. That's why I'm wondering what to think of 6 weeks with no change.

    You will get the most accurate results if you use the same scale, under the same conditions, for example, first thing in the AM, naked, after peeing.

    That's partially why I decided I should finally buy my own. Also not having to wait 3-4 months between weighing seemed like a better idea as well.

    For me it'll be in the afternoon though, I work nights.

    Great advice though, I will be following it.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    You're often eating under or right around 1500 calories, plus working out without eating extra. You're heading for trouble at that rate. Then again, it looks like you aren't weighing your foods, so you are probably eating more than you realize as well.

    As for the seemingly no change, the others have covered that. Water retention caused by the exercise and using a different scale under different conditions, so your data isn't really accurate.
  • cegal3
    cegal3 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm weighing my foods, what is making you say that I'm not?
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    cegal3 wrote: »
    I'm weighing my foods, what is making you say that I'm not?

    I too, took a look at your diary because normally that's where the trouble lies. Do you have a digital food scale? You are very diligent about listing your foods, but there's room for improvement. If you have a digital scale, just for fun, weigh out 1 scoop of protein powder. On my tub of powder, 1 scoop=30grams. It's hard to hit that, so I weigh it. Any nut butters, like peanut butter, should also be weighed since they are calorie dense. When looking for foods in the data base try to find those in grams since it will give you an accurate calorie count. You have a lot of measurements in cups, tsps and tblsps. These can throw you off. Take the time to weigh everything for a couple of days and see if you've got a difference. I hate to see you spinning your wheels when you seem to be so careful. Good luck, and I'm sure everything will fall into place.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    The way that they are logged. 1 slice, is not a weight.

    You can't always go by that. I often log things by serving size after I confirm it in grams. Some things are just easier that way because after you scan them there is no option for grams or ounces. With only a few exceptions if it is pre-packaged when I weigh something I shoot for an increment of a serving size. If it is high calorie I will get close but stay just under if not exact.