New To community : )

Hi everyone, Just wanted to introduce myself. I have been using fitness pal for a while now, but never logged in online on my pc. My wife and her sister just started using the Pc version, and so I thought I would as well. I'm really hoping the community can help keep me accountable because I really want to lose weight, and find it very..very easy to stray from my goal. Thanks for reading my short rant. Good luck to everyone!


  • Nursebeachnut
    Very happy to have meet you add me as a friend. Best of luck!
  • cfaye01
    cfaye01 Posts: 20
    Good luck and Keep logging in and tracking! Feel free to add me as friend :)
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I have found that using the p/c version in conjunction with the mobile has lead me to be more accountable. Good luck. You can add me if you would like to. :)