Seeing very slow results on the scale.

Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
I have been a real stickler with my calories, carbs, fats, and protein. I usually go over with my protein because I workout for an hour a day on my treadmill and burn almost 300 calories give or take. After I get the 300 + or minus calories added to my calories for the day, I sometimes eat back my workout calories, if I am a little hungry ( or I blew my calorie intake early in the day ) but I always stay under my goal for the day. one day I worked out an hour and a half to work off those extra calories!!! Anyway, here is a typical day in my home.
Breakfast : Oatmeal w/ a teaspoon of brown sugar.

Lunch : Double whole wheat bread w/ either peanut butter or 3 slices of turkey

Dinner : Chicken or sirloin chops in the crock pot ( LOVE MY CROCK POT ) AND I GET DIFFERENT IDEAS AS TO WHAT TO DO W/ THOSE MEATS ON THIS SITE....... usually salsa or 98% fat free soup.... always a salad for dinner 1 1/2 cups w/ a handful of chopped cucumbers and tomatoes and salad toppings. Fat free viniagrette dressing.

Snacks : at least 3 1/2 cup servings of different fruits.... I eat a banana every few days.
chopped carrots
fiber one 50 calorie yogurt

The first week, I actually gained weight, BUT I WAS EATING ALL TOGETHER DIFFERENT ( very little veggies and fruit ) and this last week, I have done real good to stick w/ the above daily habits. I peeked and looked at the scales this morning and it said that I was down 1.6 lb since last Monday weigh in. I also had my husband measure me and I am down an inch on my stomach and 1/2 inch in my thighs.
My husband is saying that he can see the results in my body and I am "just feeling better" all the way around, but I am trying to lose 60 lbs. At this rate, it will take me well over a year at working out 7 days a week and eating the things I am eating above. THAT SCARES ME!! Please, if anyone has any suggestions, I would LOVE to hear them. :explode:


  • Twinmom1221
    Twinmom1221 Posts: 191 Member
    It sounds to me like you are doing a great job. It really isn't a good idea to lose much more than 2lbs a week, so it looks like you are on track. It is going to take some time to get the weight off, that is just a fact. If you find it to overwhelming to look at one big goal, make smaller goals and work towards those.

    Also, make sure you are taking time off from exercise to let your body recover from those hard workouts.

    It is tough, but you can do it.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    without seeing your complete diary its hard to say but I would ask if you are drinking all your water? Also how is your sodium, fat free items and processed food such as deli meat have a ton of sodium and will cause you to hold water and gain weight.
    Just some ideas but would be easier if you opened your diary for people to look at and help you determine where the problem lies or if there is a problem at all.

    Good luck!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat- you may have gain a fair bit going for it in the gym
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat- you may have gain a fair bit going for it in the gym
  • You could add weight-lifting to your schedule. It will add a bit more muscle (women don't get too much) which speeds up your metabolism even more. And take a break day so your body can recover. Every so often, mix up your cardio-do some interval training, use a different piece of equipment, etc. to keep your body from adapting.
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    You are doing great!!!
    Honestly you shouldn't lose more than 2 pounds a week on average if you are doing it the healthy way. So needing to lose 60 pounds at 2 pounds at most a week is at least 30 weeks or 7 1/2 months but to me it's worth it if in the end you learn how to better take care of yourself and you get the healthy body you always wanted... I have a loong way to go myself so I know how far off it can feel but by next summer you should be there!!

    Add me if you want a long term weight loss buddy on here :smile:

    Good luck to you!
  • lbruce14
    lbruce14 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! Its nice to hear I'm not alone with that problem. I've had the same issues. The first week I started I lost 3 lbs, then I added exercise and gained all of those 3 plus ONE back. That was a month ago. To this day I still haven't come down to those 3 lbs yet. :( But, like you, people are noticing the change and I feel great.

    Here's the thing. I've never been one for working out so all this exercise is seriously new to me and I brought it up with 2 people. Both fitness trainers and one a bellyfit/zumba instructor, they both told me the same thing and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they're right. Here's what they said. Initially it'll be super slow because your body is building muscle it hasn't seen in awhile. Once its caught up, the pounds will drop off faster than if you were just watching your food intake because muscle burns fat faster than not having muscle (does that make sense?) Well, this week the scale started to move...slowwlllly...but its starting. I know it feels like it will take forever, I MEAN I REALLY KNOW, but keep at, work hard and the results will come!!
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    > LOVE, LOVE LOVE your new you by the new year challenge!!! As for the exercising, I am taking today off, as much as it is killing me. I feel so good when I get done working out and the sweat that just pours off just makes me feel like a million bucks!! My exercise equipment ( treadmill and abCoaster......right in my living room .
    Velvetcat..........I drink nothing but water. I add a little sobe lifewater to it to give it flavor... love it!! I just recently discovered GREEN TEA (LIPTON) PURPLE ACAI AND BLUEBERRY.........OMG!!! That tastes so good even without sugar and a great pick me up in the morning. No calories... nothing!! 25 mg potassium...
    How do you open your diary? and how do you add your ticker? I think I became a member 10 days ago or something????
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat- you may have gain a fair bit going for it in the gym
    I'll jump in and give you the skinny on muscle gain for future use caroltina. It's not a criticism, this is for information you may not know. If you are on calorie deficit, it's almost impossible to gain muscle. You would have to be in calorie surplus to do this. If someone's weight doesn't change from exercise and in some cases actually goes up, it's because of an influx of water and glycogen fill up muscles cells with the anticipation of another workout approaching. This is entirely normal and eventually will subside.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Not to be critical either but I have been in calory deficit at least the last 50 days, but really more like 2 years and have lost 73 lb, and I certainly have gained muscle, no doubt, everyone can see it!
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    Thank you all! I was wondering about the muscle. I feel tighter so I am thinking that maybe there is a muscle or two trying to wake up. Some days, I feel like it is waking a SLEEPING GIANT!! Very stubborn!! I can do this for 8 months!!! I sure can! I know this because I enjoy what I am doing.... I am getting addicted to my treadmill.... love my water and I actually enjoy my food!! THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!!!
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    My husband said the same thing!!!
  • It is just slow, you just need to accept this..i count evertjing, jog 4 times a week for 30 minutes (10 min mile), my average is 1.6 lbs a week. Remember every week you feel a little better a little lighter. The time goes by either way....might as well feel better. Good Luck and thanks for sharing.
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