30 and on a 60 lb journey

Hi everyone, I just turned 30 in March. I have struggled with weight most of my life. I got down to 180-190 lbs and kept within 15 pounds of that from 2012-2014.

After a traumatic event, I gained about 30 pounds. Then a few more life tornados added another 25 pounds. I am now 250 lbs and at the heaviest I’ve been since college over ten years ago.

I would like to lose 60 pounds before my 31st birthday March 2019. I’ve done it by myself before but with a challenging job and a few new business ventures taking my time, I feel like I need some accountability.

I am open to being someone’s accountability buddy as well. I really want to make myself a priority and get my weight down. I think I am beautiful and intelligent and don’t hate myself. I just know that I could be more active and comfortable in my skin if I were to get the weight down.

Please feel free to say hello! Thank you for reading
