Calorie density - Suggested recipes

Albright915 Posts: 1 Member
I’ve been paying attention to calorie density to stave off hunger but stay within my daily calorie goal, but I can’t find any good recipes.

Could you share any low cal, high volume recipes for people who aren’t big veggie fans? Someone told me to hide veggies in common recipes, but I’m not sure where to start. Any suggestions?

Thanks for the help! 😊


  • Motherofship
    Motherofship Posts: 122 Member
    I personally love lasagnas, casseroles, and frittatas for this. Added bonus, they’re usually quick prep, one pot, minimal clean up.

    I just made a frittata today in my slow cooker that had shallots, zucchini, and broccoli. But since they’re in a big fluffy block of egg, cheese, and ham, even my little brother will eat the veg without complaint.

    Just experiment throwing veg into things until you find something you don’t hate. Spinach is always a good bet because it can cook down or blend in easily. Slice up sweet peppers and hide them on a sandwich—they add crunch without too much taste. Squashes and sweet potatoes are nice and soft when cooked long enough, so you can cube them and throw them in with stir fries, hashes, and scrambles.

    As far as recipes, I get a lot from Cooking Light. They give the calorie and macro info, and a lot of their recipes are easy to make and often include veg.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Hiding veggies gives slightly more volume to recipes. Low cal/high volume is essentially going to be veggie-centered with protein and fat as enhancements. It's hard to hide the thing that's front-and-center.

    My high volume meals generally consist of a can of soup mixed with steam-in-bag veggies in a big bowl. I add extra water to some flavors of soup and that bumps up the volume even more.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,702 Member
    My favourite meals for getting a lot of raw veg and fibre are Thai Nam Prik Ong (a warm spicy sloppy Joe sauce for dipping raw veg into) and Cambodian Beef Lok Lak (sweet/salty stir fried beef on a bed of salad).

    Another tasty high veg recipe is soupe au pistou

    My cheat's version is to boil a bunch of frozen veg with a stock cube, and toss in some chopped tomatoes (skin and all) with a can of beans. At the table finish with a generous dollop of pesto in each bowl.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Check out the Volume Eaters thread on here.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Some veggies like cauliflower, zucchini, cabbage and bean sprouts can add a lot of volume with minimal flavor. They tend to soak up the flavor of whatever they are in.

    For foods that aren't vegetables - egg whites and chicken breast give you a lot of volume for minimal calories. Egg whites taste like nothing, so season them accordingly and you can have a lot of variety without having to make a bunch of different things.