Here I go wanted

Sup folks.....I’m back for more. Looking for motivation and inspiration to (a) start....and (b) stick to a healthy lifestyle
Been not really trying to lose weight for nearly a decade


  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me if you're looking for a friend :)
  • jessecummings1981
    jessecummings1981 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey what's up Jesse from salt lake. Been on here about 6 months, have had my difficulties being consistent but over all I've really benefited from this platform. Lost around 35 pounds in that time. Welcome back and best of luck. Feel free to friend me.
  • hockeyonthebeach182
    hockeyonthebeach182 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm back and ready to get my sweat on as well!
  • lizlikewoah
    lizlikewoah Posts: 8 Member
    Same here! Please add me, I find the community support to be one of the best parts of this site/app.
  • christybogga
    christybogga Posts: 16 Member
    I have been trying too! Please tell me how to add a friend.
  • treysdaddy19
    treysdaddy19 Posts: 30 Member
    Everyone hits a wall in this but that's what we're all here for anyone can add me I'm always up to give a pep talk or just bs. Anything I can do to help just ask
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    What’s stopping you from getting fit and healthy?