breastfeeding mamas out there??

Hey! I’m trying to lose/maintain while breastfeeding twins and looking to see if any other mamas are out there doing the same!


  • missgi2ace
    missgi2ace Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! I am currently bfing my second (7months now) trying to lose 25 lbs!!!
  • HS2234
    HS2234 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm currently in the early stages of breastfeeding (4 days postpartum) and thinking about getting the weight off. I gained far too much while pregnant but would love pointers and support from other mother's who are losing weight and maintaining milk supply at the same time.
  • StudentNurse360
    StudentNurse360 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi! Currently 3 months postpartum and looking to lose 35lbs! Also breastfeeding
  • nikki_l33
    nikki_l33 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my 6 month old and am wanting to lose the extra 13 pounds that I've been stuck at. I'd love to hear any tips for losing weight while maintaining milk supply as well 😊
  • Kandisn29
    Kandisn29 Posts: 92 Member
    I’m trying to reboost my milk supply (after a 2 month break due to medications) to breastfeed my 7 month old again and lose weight, too ( or at least not gain!) :)
  • bkeisha911
    bkeisha911 Posts: 2 Member
    I am breastfeeding an 8 month old and have lost 35 lbs since January. I did Keto for about 6 weeks, couldn’t stick to it but I did lose a little weight. I walk the block with the stroller, and do other loft workouts here and there. I eat 1400-1800 calories a day, and eat between the hours of 12 and 8 PM usually. In the morning I enjoy a nice unsweetened caffeinated tea to get my metabolism jumping. I’m a fan of French Vanilla black tea. Very tasty and not too unlike the taste of coffee. I’m still trying to knock off another 20 lbs this summer but I seem to have plateaud a bit. Time to work in my dreaded weight training hahahaha.
  • bkeisha911
    bkeisha911 Posts: 2 Member
    other light workouts ****

    Also I do not drink juice and really don’t eat too much sugar outside of fruit sugars in general.. that helped a lot.
  • Ragdoll_7
    Ragdoll_7 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 5 1/2 weeks post-partum and just beginning my weight loss journey. I gained over 50 lbs in my pregnancy and I have 30 lbs left to lose. I am breastfeeding her, looking after a 21 month old son, and trying to figure out how to squeeze in workouts now that I have been cleared for exercise by my doctor! I would love to be a part of this support network!
  • DeanyMc
    DeanyMc Posts: 11 Member
    Yep BF for 3 months now 35lbs to go
  • Clairenicole1995
    Clairenicole1995 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 6 months pp, wanting to maintain my supply but also loose weight. I haven't weighed myself since I had my baby but I know I did gain about 60 lbs when I was pregnant and am confident I've probably lost about half of it so far based on how my body feels.
  • Cementite
    Cementite Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm 6 months PP. I'm looking to lose weight while maintaining my milk supply. I'm not sure how many calories I should be eating to do it! For now I'm thinking 1600-1700 Cal.
    I'm looking to lose 10 lbs, but more importantly I looking to lose volume! I would really like to get back to the gym and running but it's harder now :(
    I really want to be able to use my old clothes again...