Snack food and Munchie food at work!

Okay so I work for a company doing tech support (great job, great pay and I love it and my conworkers). Down side? I’m sitting on my butt allday munching on snacks because they encourage us to do this.

What I really want to do is start eating the right foods etc.. something that will help with my weight loss etc.... so suggestions are a must pretty please!

I’m a grazer so I literally munch through out the day so something that will help me - I’m thinking dried cranberries but that’s all I’m coming up with :/

Can you guys recommend me some healthy filling snacks!


  • holly_0211
    holly_0211 Posts: 6 Member
    Fruit cups with 100% fruit juice (not syrup)
    Carrot sticks and hummus
    Pair a banana with some cashews or almonds Make sure you dont eat the whole bag of nuts. It can be counterproductive and it's very easy to do lol. Stick to a handful.
    Greek yogurt cups
  • work_on_it
    work_on_it Posts: 251 Member
    Loads of raw veggies and an ocean of water.

    I'm in a similar boat at my desk all day. I munch on lots of celery, carrots, radishes, peppers, etc. I stay away from dried fruit cause I never get satisfied until I've eaten 1000 of them.

    Also... I know this is crazy... but just try not sometimes. I knowwww... its so hard! But I started mapping out when I could snack during the day. As time went on, it was easier to just scale back.

    In the last 2 years, I've lost 70 pounds. You can do this!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited June 2018
    Dried cranberries are pretty calorific, 130 calories in 1.4 ounces. I wouldn't go that route personally. If I were going to munch all day, it would be celery or cucumber. Very low calorie for the volume.

    A bottle of water is my go-to. Get an awesome water bottle that makes you smile when you look at it. Keep it full and drink from it all day. This is mine. I love it. For some reason, having an awesome water bottle makes a difference in how much water I drink. If I get really sick of water, I have some Crystal Light powder in my desk drawer I can add to it.
