Needing some motivation and help

I'm a 21 year old female university student and I've been using MFP for about 45 days. At first I was really motivated to make healthy choices, like eating healthy and controlling portion size. But lately I have had no control and have spent the last two or so weeks bingeing. The first week I had four papers due and finals to write, so I know part of that was stress. However, this week has been pretty much stress free because classes are done, for a little while at least.
I just started training for a 20 km race, the Cape to Cabot for anyone who's in St. John's, NL. So my exercise time and calories burned will be increasing, as well, I started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. But I'm completely sabotaging myself with the type and amount of food I've been eating. I usually eat fairly healthy breakfast, lunch, and supper (except for I had lots of pizza tonight with my friends), but it's the snacking that's destroying my efforts. I don't know what to do because it's like I can't control myself when it's in the house and then I'll say that I'm not going to buy what I snack on but I continue to do so. And I just eat and eat and eat. Even when I'm not hungry at all but I just can't seem to stop. :cry:
So, basically, what I'm asking is has anyone been through this and what did you do to deal with it. And does anyone know why I'm doing this? Do I subconsciously want to sabotage myself? Thank you for any advice or help that you can offer :smile:


  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    You can do this and you will succeed at this. Forget about the past and push forward to the future. Today is the day to believe in something YOU!
    I'm a 21 year old female university student and I've been using MFP for about 45 days. At first I was really motivated to make healthy choices, like eating healthy and controlling portion size. But lately I have had no control and have spent the last two or so weeks bingeing. The first week I had four papers due and finals to write, so I know part of that was stress. However, this week has been pretty much stress free because classes are done, for a little while at least.
    I just started training for a 20 km race, the Cape to Cabot for anyone who's in St. John's, NL. So my exercise time and calories burned will be increasing, as well, I started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. But I'm completely sabotaging myself with the type and amount of food I've been eating. I usually eat fairly healthy breakfast, lunch, and supper (except for I had lots of pizza tonight with my friends), but it's the snacking that's destroying my efforts. I don't know what to do because it's like I can't control myself when it's in the house and then I'll say that I'm not going to buy what I snack on but I continue to do so. And I just eat and eat and eat. Even when I'm not hungry at all but I just can't seem to stop. :cry:
    So, basically, what I'm asking is has anyone been through this and what did you do to deal with it. And does anyone know why I'm doing this? Do I subconsciously want to sabotage myself? Thank you for any advice or help that you can offer :smile:
  • naphia
    naphia Posts: 11 Member
    I also have this issue. I put on about 30 lbs over the past 2 years from "boredom-eating" and "emotional-eating". I've found that tracking everything I eat (whether or not I want to admit my choices) helps me to control how much I eat. Also, chugging a 1/2 litre of water when I think I'm hungry usually fights off the urge to eat. I endeavor to keep junk food out of my cupboards to avoid binge eating. I've found that upping my exercise has decreased my binge urges as well. Chances are when you begin training, you will crave healthy food to keep your body going. I know that if I eat junk and try to work out I feel like garbage. Get lots of support as well! Add me as a friend if you'd like. I know exactly what you're going through. Maybe we can help support each other :)
  • mampm1
    mampm1 Posts: 88
    Here's an idea. Change the snacks you're eating. I've gone from chips and salsa to sunflower seeds as an example. Instead of cake (really not a sweet eater) I go for granola bars, 100 calorie snacks, lots of fruit (watermelon, banannas, apples, plums).

    Another attention to the calories and put your food consumption down in your diary here, good days and bad will give you an additional discipline. Keep it up! We all fall off the wagon at times so don't feel you are alone. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in there! You can do it!
  • kellieem
    kellieem Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you all for your advice!
    I log everything that eat, and I've been over my calories for awhile. Even if I know it's going to push me over my calories, I eat it anyways. However, I've just made my diary public and hopefully knowing that other people will see how much and what I'm eating will stop me from eating so much....
    Again, thank you all for your support, tomorrow will hopefully be better than today :)