What "bad" foods do you refuse to give up?

I thought about this today while I ate a McDonald's two cheeseburger meal...

There are many foods I try to avoid now that I'm counting calories, but there are certain things I will work into my diet anyway because I just love it so much.

What are your guilty pleasure foods that you find a way to eat even while trying to lose weight?


  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Ice Cream,Chocolate,adult beverages and cheese.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Ice cream (I am eating a Blizzard as I type this) :)
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    There is nothing that I won't give up to be healthy.
  • missys99
    missys99 Posts: 14 Member
    pizza and cheese fries =P the later is homemade so it's not as bad as you might think! mmmm cheese fries LOL
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Ice Cream,Chocolate,adult beverages and cheese.

    Yes ma'am . . . . I second that. . there are mine in a NUT shell. . lol
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I refuse to give up anything!!

    I work it off, or enjoy a smaller portion. I couldn't possibly keep up anything forever if it meant I couldn't eat what I enjoy.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I eat ice cream almost every day. (But I work it into my calories and I have cut down my portions)
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
  • JediMaster_intraining
    i'm trying to just say no to all bad foods but i'd have to say chocolate is the one food i cannot live without!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    energy drinks
    ... actually everything lol :P
  • dancer4275
    dancer4275 Posts: 149
    dark chocolate!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Prime Rib Roast (not really all that bad- just has a bad rep!)
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Cheese and Chocolate....all in moderation :)
  • midwesthiker
    Pizza - but now we make homemade crust and sauce, top with low-fat cheese and canadian bacon. My husband got a sourdough starter and makes a great crust. We grow our own tomatoes and make our pasta/pizza sauce. (this year I have 90 tomato plants) I actually don't eat frozen pizza any longer and rarely eat pizza from takeout places. Before MFP we had pizza 3-4 nights a week. Now we have it on Friday night, and knowing that I have that meal coming keeps me from eating it all the other nights.
  • Shelbug65
    Shelbug65 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't deny myself anything. I just make sure to account for every calorie and plan accordingly. I have a dark chocolate Riesen candy just about every afternoon- just a bit of chocolate for 43 calories. I know that if I cut EVERYthing I love out of my daily eating I'll be more tempted to over eat.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Half and half for my coffee. Oreos (on occasion). These are the stuff of dreams....
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    bad for me means high sodium, and i will not give up cottage cheese with ranch
  • kellywaller1
    okay so I am glad to see I am not the only one addicted to ice cream!!!!
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I make an exception to have real half & half and real sugar in my 1 cup of coffee in the morning. I tried alternatives and it just doesn't taste as good. Also, I have a regular Coke once in awhile. Other than that -- there's not too much I "need" to have. If I want it, I indulge but I don't go overboard. And since I have ZERO control with donuts, I just avoid them altogether!!
  • MsCandyLynn
    a great ice cream i have found that doesnt taste like diet ice cream is the breyers carb smart ice cream one cup for the same cal count as 1/2 cup of the non carb smart type..however my guilty pleasure is ranch dressing, i eat reanch dressing on everything and i have tried the Fat Free will never do that again and i tried to make myself like the light, i flat out refuse i will just work extra hard and eat less of everything else to eat my ranch dressing!!!!! and it has to be hidden valley or mazzios ranch dressing!!!! i have gotten really good at keeping it to the serving size of 2tbs but i usually use 3 which is a huge sucess from a half a bottle a day heheeh!!!