Hit my goal, down 20 pounds but still need to lose another 20 but can't seem to stay on track

So I hit my goal of losing twenty pounds. I started with that because I felt I could obtain and reach that goal. I still need to lose more weight but I can't seem to stay on track. I would like to drop another twenty but am struggling really bad. I try to track my eating but blow it off by the end of the day, lost interest in exercising and have been snacking on my beloved Cheez-It's in the evening before bed. Personally, this lack of staying on track is making me feel horrible and then finding I want to eat more and make bad food choices because I feel horrible. Any suggestions or mental strategies to try?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    a diet break, and then back on it with a new workout routine that you actually want to do.
  • kg000
    kg000 Posts: 21 Member
    What's helping me-finally- is meal prepping for the whole week (M-F) and make some extra's for the weekend, and eat all of your prepped food for snacks and meals, and that will keep you on track for calories/macros. Find what your calorie goal is (approx) and stay where you need to be, no matter if you derail or not. Then you will continue to lose weight every week, even if its only a lb at a time.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Prelog your day and leave room for a serving of Cheezits
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    When I found I was overeating on one particular item, I would just eliminate it for awhile. It was easier to have "none" than just the little tiny serving that would "fit" into my calories. Eating multiple handfuls of CheezIts does not leave enough room in the calorie budget for nutrition and more long lasting satiety. Just another point of view that worked for 150 lb loss but is not too popular with the "eat anything you want to and make it fit" outlook.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    Are you sure you want to lose 20 more lbs? Maybe you’d be better off losing 10 or even 5 and focus on fitness.

    Don’t quit tracking. Go ahead and eat whatever. But you have to track it.

    And consider this- not tracking + Cheez-It’s + not doing anything about it- staying where you are is one thing. Gaining it back is worse. Happens a lot here.