Starting Over, Again :/



  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited June 2018
    I have ridden that merry-go-round and the horses' saddles were worn smooth. The brain is the greatest mountain we have to climb. It's human nature to get to the optimum set point and think that our weight is magically fixed. Maintenance is a balancing act that someone like me will be working on for the rest of my life. There's no such thing as the finish line.

    The brain really doesn't care if you stay at your optimum setpoint or not. It's more than happy to see to it that you eat it all back. It actually enjoys helping you eat it all back because the deep grooves in the brain are the resting comfort level. It's at peace when you take a trip back down memory lane by eating all the things. The brain is back in the saddle again. In charge.

    Tracking food is easy. Willpower doesn't fix it. Willpower runs out. You have to find the greater cause that will catapult you back to the optimum setpoint. There's the brain weight vs. the dream weight. The two rarely agree. With each passing dieting excursion and eating it all back, the body's setpoint does some changing.

    It doesn't matter if you keep gaining and losing the same 10 or 15 lbs over the course of lifetime or if it's 50 or 100 or 150, when you eat it all back there's metabolic blowback. That's why if you can get a grip on it sooner rather than later, you will have a much better chance of getting there and actually staying there for the rest of your life.

    Don't think short term or when you get to the other side of all this. There's more work once the weight releasing is done. I had to throw everything out with the bathwater and reframe everything for my brain. I'm still working on the disconnects for the brain. Brain Training.

    Restrictive food protocols define themselves as a lifestyle change. That's a disconnect. It's just another diet all gussied up by rephrasing old dieting terms with new ones. The brain knows the truth and it starts to rebel. At some point while we're asleep at the wheel on autopilot the brain sits right back down at the controls pulling all of the levers. Before you know what hit you, you've eaten it all back.

    Not one single time... Not one single time during the eating it all back phase did the brain STOP you. No, it did not because it likes being in charge. Then you awaken and you take the bull by the horns.

    You learn that the old approaches to dieting and weight loss will no longer serve you. You change everything UP. I threw the dieting books away, tossed out all of my before photos because those don't work for me. After so many befores and a few afters, they wash each other out. You get back up on your feet and you fight like hail with I can't fool myself realism.

    This time, you know in your heart that you are not going to go through this again. You mean it will all of your being and you keep fighting. You refuse to accept the genetics or environmental cues that have caused those UP and down, wild swings with weight. When you're really through, no one can stop you. Let nothing deter you and tell the brain just to shut the hail up. You are back in the charge. The real you. The part of you that cares about everything and everyone. Your soul or your spirit. Body. Mind. Spirit.

    The trifecta. When you pull on all three of them together there ain't nothin' gonna stop you now. Happy Trails. Let'er Buck.
  • veronicapanita28
    veronicapanita28 Posts: 1 Member
    Same here! Ultimately, I accessed the Premium feature on MFP as stats say you are more likely to lose weight with this account...
    Yeah, though, while it is motivating, I know only a balanced diet and steady exercise works in my case. All I have to do is skip the emotional/ stress eating habits, and yes it sucks. But, I did it twice, third time's gonna be a charm. And I keep telling myself that everything is possible and the only thing staying in my way is myself and my bad choices.
    Wish you the best and patience for anyone who's at n-th run!
  • jenf330
    jenf330 Posts: 66 Member
    Same here! Ultimately, I accessed the Premium feature on MFP as stats say you are more likely to lose weight with this account...
    Yeah, though, while it is motivating, I know only a balanced diet and steady exercise works in my case. All I have to do is skip the emotional/ stress eating habits, and yes it sucks. But, I did it twice, third time's gonna be a charm. And I keep telling myself that everything is possible and the only thing staying in my way is myself and my bad choices.
    Wish you the best and patience for anyone who's at n-th run!

    I'm also the only one standing in my way. I pretended for a long time that my weight was out of my control, but it never was.

    Let me know how the Premium works out for you! I've never used it. Good luck!
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    Me too...hit menopause and BOOM 12 lbs on my mid section! (help I have become my Mother!!) I am back at counting calories and working out ... in 3 weeks have lost 4 lbs. I would like to lose another 10 but I keep telling myself that patience is a MUST this time.