Starting over for the 968,346th time 😞

MrsWaldo99 Posts: 13 Member
edited June 2018 in Introduce Yourself
First off I have NEVER done anything like this before & am extremely out of my comfort zone here which tells me this is exactly why I should be doing this.

I am a happily married 42 year old mother of 2. My son will be 18 & leaving for college soon, my daughter is 13 & very active in sports as was my son before graduation which caused for a lot of eating out because of so much travel. 6 years ago I really saw myself in the mirror & decided to step on the scale. I had told myself for years that I was ok as long as I never got to 200 lbs. That day when I stepped on that scale I weighed in at 199.9!! I found MFP & started on my journey, & took up running, in 1 year I lost 50 lbs!! I was so happy & comfortable with my self that I eventually started to back slide & before I knew it I was almost back to where I started weighing in at 191.6. When I went to the Dr. for my annual check up I actually got in trouble for being over weight which has never happened to me before. I am so ashamed & embarrassed of myself I have shut everyone out. I feel like in the last couple of years I have "started over" more times than I can count. I have tried so many different types of diets (i.e. Weight Watchers, South Beach, Standard Process) and nothing has worked for me like MFP, so here's to starting over AGAIN!
