UGH - Starting Over! Need Motivation Buddies :-)

A few of us started a Group for Women Over 40 (or 50 πŸ˜‚) to do a reboot! We want a fun, encouraging, motivational place to cheer each other on as we reboot ourselves on this sometimes bumpy journey. Join us (but only for the Cool kids 😎) oh and a no selling kinda place for sure!

Weight Loss Support for Women Over 40


  • tracyleecarver1971
    tracyleecarver1971 Posts: 20 Member
    A few of us started a Group for Women Over 40 (or 50 πŸ˜‚) to do a reboot! We want a fun, encouraging, motivational place to cheer each other on as we reboot ourselves on this sometimes bumpy journey. Join us (but only for the Cool kids 😎) oh and a no selling kinda place for sure!

    Weight Loss Support for Women Over 40

    Hi. I’m 47 yr old mom of 4, in Day 16 I believe (it’s been a longggg day πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ) & looking for friends on this journey. Please feel free to add me. Thanks, Tracy
  • Kerri787
    Kerri787 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I am 46 yr old Mom of 1 very active 9 year old son. I am on and off with my diet and fitness. Still manage to stay in the 10lb range of goal..phew. But, my body is for sure changing..ugh. Looking forward to meeting new friends on here.
  • cassteiner
    cassteiner Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I’m a 43 yr old mom of an autistic 9 yr old son. I recently quit my job which has made me even more of emotional eater. I have gained 12 lbs in 3 months which has not helped my overweight body to begin with. I’m finally at a point where something has got to change but I’m feeling a little lost to start. All this weight is making so many health issues pop up and it’s time to get a handle on things. Any encouraging words would be very welcomed right now. Thanks everyone!!
  • MrsWaldo99
    MrsWaldo99 Posts: 13 Member
    I am a 42 year old mother of 2 (18 & 13) I am right there with you. I started MFP about 6 years ago & lost 50 lbs. I got comfortable, slacked on calorie tracking & life happened & the weight crept back on. Now here I am & I have gained it almost all back. I went to the Dr. a couple of months ago & got in trouble for being over weight. I am so ashamed of myself right now & have shut most people out of my life because I am so embarrassed. It doesn't help that I started a new job last year working in a high school cafeteria & we have lots of yummy food that is not always so good for me. We all can & will do this together!! I don't know how to send a friend request or I would friend you. Lol
  • mtngirlzrock
    mtngirlzrock Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! Yes 44 and I seem to sabotage my own weight loss efforts consistently! Need support!