Finally on my way

Calildur Posts: 27 Member
I'm not sure what I supposed to say here. I'm 28 years old male and I been obese since 8 years old. Just a little at first, but I always been the fat kid in the neighborhood. My childhood was not easy. I had to endure a lot of bullying and I quickly got shut myself in my room, which made things worse. After high school things started to get better, but losing weight felt like an impossible challenge, something that others can do but not me. After a while I met my girlfriend and we got ourself a confortable life with a lot of eating and watching TV shows. She tried to help me lose weight but both me and her knew that change only happens if I want it to. Quick forward to a few months back from now, and a lot of people around me started doing some kind of exercise. At first I said its them and not me, if they would be me they'd do the same. But then a friend of mine challenged me to lose 20 lbs by august, so I got myself a scale. In my mind I always knew I'm around 240 lbs and I kinda accepted it, then the scale showed that I'm over 260 lbs and that was the first alarm in my head. Not long before that we moved to a new apartman and another friend of mine helped us move the boxes since it was on the third floor. I was a total mess after that, but my friend did it casually which also hit me hard. Than the bed colapsed on me and that was the final warning. I can't just lose 20 lbs I won't be any younger and one day I want to have family, I sick of getting exhausted just to go up to the third floor. But I also knew I can't do it without help. I had serious gym anxiety and running was really hard. So I used up almost all of our savings to hire a personal trainer and get a gym membership. With hes and my grilfriends help I started going to the gym. My goal is not only to lose weight, but to gain muscle because I'm fed up with being bones and fat. One of the hardest challenge was diet. I had food addiction, if I had stress, food was my first pick with big amounts. I'm still am, but it's much better now. I tried dieting before, but I always forced myself to eat things I either don't like or get bored with it fast. Now I eat mostly healthy food but I do eat stuff I like occasionaly as long as I'm under my calorie goals for the day it's fine. I do need to eat less than I used to but that amount was not healthy and not normal at all. So far I lost 16 lbs and still more to go. I also gained a lot of muscle too and more active now too. One of my best friend going marry this september, so I super motivated to lose as much weight as possible by then, but my goal is to get 200 lbs by the end of this year and get fit and strong by the end of the next year. There are so many things I want to do I could not while I am obese, so I don't think I will lose motivation easly. I think I'm finally on my way.


  • ChangePossible
    ChangePossible Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats on the strong start! 28 is soooo young to get started. I got started around 220 lbs. at 31 years old and lost all the weight I wanted. One thing that may help is to make a community here to help you stay motivated and have some checks and balances for when you start having a period of time where you start slipping, as I did. Keep going and congrats!
  • Calildur
    Calildur Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you! And big congrats to your weight loss, its amazing! :)