Looking for some motivation and a kick in the butt

So here I am AGAIN. I can't tell you how many times I've lost a significant amount of weight and then I gain it back. I've done this many ways. Weight Watchers, MLM products, watching calories here on MFP.... it all works as long as you are doing it. The problem is that I always eventually lose my focus and fall off track. The last time I lost significantly was about 2 years ago and that was by using MFP and exercising almost every day. Well I've now gained all 40ish pounds of that back plus a little more. And I can't seem to get it together. My doc has said something to me about my weight which has just compounded my own feelings about it.

Fortunately I have no other health problems YET. But I know it's coming if I can't turn things around. I turned 40 this year, my oldest son went off to college, I sold a business and went back to college myself, I work full time also and have 3 other kids and a husband. So lots of stressors and while it is understandable I also use my chaos as an excuse. I know I do. But I can't get out of this funk. I feel like I don't even know where to start in order to get going again. I am feeling so desperate that I even reached out to a physician about weight loss surgery. But I know I can do this on my own. I've done it so many times! I don't really want to resort to surgery. I'm not sure what I'm looking for by posting this except for getting it all out of my head and maybe just hearing others stories that have gone through this. It's been a life long struggle. Oh and the reason I am back in school is I am going for my RN and I know that is going to be so much more physically demanding than my desk job. Just one more reason I need to do something NOW. So if you made it this far and got through my word vomit, well thank you. I'm open to any advice or thoughts you've got.


  • jessrocks1117
    jessrocks1117 Posts: 1 Member
    I am just starting over again as well. I know it is hard and it is disheartening and frustrating. I feel the funk too. We can do this. I am here if you need a buddy.
  • suzlee111
    suzlee111 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know anyone who has lost weight once and just kept it off. Reality is that fluctuations happen; be kind to yourself all the time (not just when you are "playing by the rules"). Then you can move past self-flagellation and down to the business of worshiping your own temple. Best of luck! You deserve it!
  • Impcase
    Impcase Posts: 18 Member
    I know where you’re coming from. I used to joke that my weight fluctuates 50 lbs in either direction. But it’s not really a joke. When I fall off the wagon, it’s not just for a meal, a day or a weekend. It’s usually a couple of months at a time. This time however, I would complain about the way I was feeling, and knew my first step had to be at the gym. When I exercise, although I hate it, it made me feel better. When I was feeling better (gotta love those endorphins), I started to naturally gravitate towards better food choices. Hang in there...you can do it!
  • PhotogirlTX
    PhotogirlTX Posts: 85 Member
    Joemac is right. Motivation may get you started, but consistancy and determination will get you through it. I've lost 59 pounds since January 1st by exercising every day, logging my food every day, moving more, eating less every day. I get up at 4:50 AM and get on my bike and ride 13 to 15 miles every morning before I take a shower. I come home and instead of plopping on the couch, I figure out something to do that will keep me moving for another 30 to 35 minutes. At work, I take a walk at lunch for 30 minutes. I do this every day. Do I like it.. most of the time, no, but once it is done, I feel great. I food prep on Sundays, and bring the same thing to lunch every single day. My morning smoothies are the same, my snacks are the same.. I get variety for dinner, but I still make sure I log and weigh everything. After 6 months of this, I can say this is a way of life, its not a diet, its not something that I will stop doing once I hit goal.. but I am living like the person I want to become, active and healthy! One day, I will wake up and find out that all this fake it til I make it stuff will have actually worked!

    You can do this, take time to focus on you and your goals, and set intermediate goals .. this will give you the motivation you are looking for, but don't get hung up on the numbers, just do things that are good for you and treat your body well!
  • Ed_Zilla
    Ed_Zilla Posts: 207 Member
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    Can I throw some well-meaning tough love your way?

    Forget the idea you need motivation. You need dedication and consistency. You don't need motivation to brush your teeth, pay your bills, go to work; you do it even when you don't feel like it. I go to the gym 6-7 days a week at 430AM. I eat the same thing every day because I meal prep once a week for the whole week (because I'm lazy and don't mind eating the same thing lol, not because that's key to success). People often ask how I got results...it's because I do this stuff EVEN WHEN I DON'T WANT TO. Honestly, probably less than 50% of my workouts I wanted to do, but 100% of them I'm glad I did when they're over.

    Also, it doesn't sit well with me when people say they're "starting over". No, ups and downs are all part of this. I've been working on my fitness for almost 12 years and at the beginning had more than my share of downs and falling off the wagon. This is your LIFE...there IS no starting over. As cliche as it sounds, learn to accept that you'll have downs...that disappointing weigh in after vacation, caving into cravings, etc and fall in love with the process of improving.

    Hope that helps and please take it the right way! :)


    I just want to add that there have been many times where I did not feel like another run, swim, bike ride, trip to the gym...but after I finished the "dreaded" workout I always was:
    • glad I did it
    • felt better than before I started
    • never regretted it

    Add me if you want - I lost 75 pounds in 18 months about 10 years ago. I still work out 4 or 5 times per week (to stay on goal) and my diary is open.
  • AmberGlitterSparkles
    AmberGlitterSparkles Posts: 699 Member
    Hey hun, don’t beat yourself up this happens to a lot of us. It’s sometimes really hard to stick with it long run. I know I have struggle in past. I have been one of those people to jump on the fad diet or pill bandwagon. While I lost a significant amount of weight, I always ended up gaining it all back. This is because none of those things were sustainable long term. This time around I’m trying to live a normal life. While just eating a little less and exorcising a little more. I don’t feel like I am “dieting” I don’t feel like I’m starving. I think that’s key, at least for me. On another note, bless you for wanting to be a nurse. It takes a special person to do that and my heart goes out to you. We need more people like you in this world.
  • committedtofit
    committedtofit Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you. You are right. I can take it from you lol. If my husband told me that I probably wouldn't take it so well :smile:
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    Can I throw some well-meaning tough love your way?

    Forget the idea you need motivation. You need dedication and consistency. You don't need motivation to brush your teeth, pay your bills, go to work; you do it even when you don't feel like it. I go to the gym 6-7 days a week at 430AM. I eat the same thing every day because I meal prep once a week for the whole week (because I'm lazy and don't mind eating the same thing lol, not because that's key to success). People often ask how I got results...it's because I do this stuff EVEN WHEN I DON'T WANT TO. Honestly, probably less than 50% of my workouts I wanted to do, but 100% of them I'm glad I did when they're over.

    Also, it doesn't sit well with me when people say they're "starting over". No, ups and downs are all part of this. I've been working on my fitness for almost 12 years and at the beginning had more than my share of downs and falling off the wagon. This is your LIFE...there IS no starting over. As cliche as it sounds, learn to accept that you'll have downs...that disappointing weigh in after vacation, caving into cravings, etc and fall in love with the process of improving.

    Hope that helps and please take it the right way! :)

  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Stop right now and log everything you have eaten today. Even if over calories. Don’t wait to start tomorrow. There is no time like now. Just keep logging. Log the good and the bad. The vegetables. The birthday cakes. All of it. Just keep logging.