any nb/trans friends?

Getting up and going to the gym is hard, even with motivation, especially when I don’t have a sort of body i want. When I don’t feel comfortable in a body. But I thought maybe we could form a little group? Or at least be together here for some comfort?

You don’t have to be trans or nb to post a response! If you’ve struggled with body comfort and maybe have some tips, feel free to share! :)

signed, a 20 year old nb who’s 5’2” and just wants to be ridiculously swole


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    @carnationnation I am going to move this to the motivation and support board in hopes you get more responses there. sometimes stuff get buried quickly in introduce yourself.

    ~best wishes
  • mayaellie1994
    mayaellie1994 Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hey! I'm 24 years old, 5'9" and a cis gendered female. I'm queer and masculine presenting and I'm interested in an athletic build. We probably have a lot in common! In 2018 I realized I was tired of having the body that was expected of me as a female. I made the decision to craft my body the way I've always envisioned it. So I started intense weight training and weight loss. 17 pounds later, I'm finally seeing gains from lifting. It's been hard and I do feel like I have to work harder than men to get gains but its totally worth it. What its come down to for me personally is lifting heavy and lifting often. I dedicate an entire workout to one muscle group and I hit it hard. Right now I do bi/tri, chest, back, and shoulders in rotation on 4 separate days. Most of the time I'm doing reps until failure. Let's chat if you're interested in more details!