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Hi , I am new to this but really need help to lose weight. I am living in Japan and since the big earthquake, I have gained 25 pounds. Though I don't eat loads of junk every day, the weight just kept going up an up. Also had an accident that stopped me from really walking and that helped put more weight on right before the quake so I will say a total of 50 pounds or more. I am able to walk now and only have trouble with water weight gain in my legs and feet but doc says it is poor circulation. I am taking supplements that have helped but in the last 2 weeks, I started dieting and though a little weight came off, it went back on. But I am now up to 25 minutes on the tread mill considering I could only do 10 minutes on 8/1st. I am feeling a little better in the leg area. But I need to lose fat and build muscle. I am trying my best but feel so alone in Japan. Not everyone is big. My gain is very noticable since I am a foreigner. But I am now looking for friends in the same situation. Some help even if it is just words of encouragement. So please, any information to help burn more fat and build muscle would help. I am 53 years old and I want to enjoy my golden years that are approaching. Thank you.


  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! I am sorry for what has happened but we got your back!......Logging everyday will help because not everyone puts on weight from overeating. Myself, I did not eat that much because I was so busy working that I was only getting maybe 800 calories a day in. In which my body did not like that....My metabolism slowed down and then I gained weight....Stress can also cause weight gain....Feel free to add me as a friend I would love to help you on your journey along with you helping me on mine :)
  • maureenjp
    Misty, it is so great to know I am not the only one. It is hard going every day and the heat is bad and mostly I don't want to do much. I have to try I know I do. I go outside and of course there are just all these Asian women who are only about 100 to 115 pounds or 45 to 55 kg. That is all they ever been. Even the women who are 45kgs always say they have to diet. I just look at them and wonder why?. Of course it is there society. If they are 4 pounds over weight they start saying how fat they are. So, I just want to crawl in a hole.
    But I am sorry to hear of your weight gain and from hardly eating. My kids said that to me and of course I am in my 50's and with the menopause and stuff that didn't help, I also stopped smoking but was doing very well with not putting weight on. As I said, after the quake it is and has been hard going for all. I am going to try and do my best even knowing I will have my bad days, I know I now have a friend in you. Thank you!