put on two pounds this week...help plz.

hi i had been doing very well, before weight was 16 stone 12 got down to 15 stone 10 in 6 weeks, it was my sons birthday last week so i went out and overate...:( well ive weighted myself this week and ive put on weight ive put on 2 lbs this week, but i am due on my period???

could the weight ive put on this week be cos of my period cos the other weeks where ive had a period weight loss was slow for example id only lose a lb but maybe cos ive overeaten this week ive put on 2 lbs in water?? really hope it is as its discouraging me. and im going on holiday in 2 weeks and i need to lose more, so ive been going gym every single day this week and really watchin what im eating...any advice for me would be appreciated.. xxxx


  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    It is most likely water retention. Just keep on whatever diet you are following and you should drop it shortly after your period.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    it could definitely be water weight..........don't be discouraged. Last week i also gained 2 lbs - for no reason - I ate as I should, I exercised as i should - even more cuz I did a 5k.......yet, I gained........BUT, this week I lost 2.7......so just keep up the healthy eating and exercising.........that scale will catch up.........
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I always gain 2-5 kilos at TOTM, whilst eating healthy and exercising the exact same. Don't fret!
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    It's most probably water retention. 2 lbs x 3500 = 7000 calories over maintenance. Unless you at that much when you went out to eat (very unlikely) I doubt you have much to worry about.

    A lot of times when you eat out, you add a lot of sodium into your body that you normally wouldn't. That combined with weight gain from your TOM probably gave you that added 2 lbs. Not sure what your diet looks like but if you've been losing, it won't be long after your TOM that the weight will just drop right off.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't panic, it's normal for your weight to fluctuate.
    Keep eating healthy meals and exercising and it will be ok!