HCG Diet

Shoutout to HCG Dieters: Can u share more about the diet program like the plus and downsides.


  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Serious downside? Starving yourself by only eating 500 calories a day for a month or however long? This is a seriously unhealthy fad diet. Sorry to be a downer.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    Serious downside? Starving yourself by only eating 500 calories a day for a month or however long? This is a seriously unhealthy fad diet. Sorry to be a downer.

    Pretty much the conclusion of my analysis too.
  • Orthidox
    You can get a lot of meals out of eating up to 500 calories of veggies and fruits a day, Veggies and fruit have little calories so you can eat a lot. plus they are good for you (steer clear of iceburg lettuce and additions ie; ranch, dressings, ect)
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    You can get a lot of meals out of eating up to 500 calories of veggies and fruits a day, Veggies and fruit have little calories so you can eat a lot. plus they are good for you (steer clear of iceburg lettuce and additions ie; ranch, dressings, ect)

    Okay, arguing that you are right, a problem with the results of fad dieting like this one is that you may lose weight but it is typically in your lean muscle rather than body fat which is almost always gained back strictly in body fat and weight lost doesn't stay lost. Fad diets rarely have lasting effects.
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    You can get a lot of meals out of eating up to 500 calories of veggies and fruits a day, Veggies and fruit have little calories so you can eat a lot. plus they are good for you (steer clear of iceburg lettuce and additions ie; ranch, dressings, ect)

    Okay, arguing that you are right, a problem with the results of fad dieting like this one is that you may lose weight but it is typically in your lean muscle rather than body fat which is almost always gained back strictly in body fat and weight lost doesn't stay lost. Fad diets rarely have lasting effects.

    you will lose muscle about 75 grams per day this rate will decrese by the 30th day to about 25 grams per day you will also lose fat!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    HCG is a complete scam.
    The hormonal injections have not been proven to do anything.
    Anyone consuming 500 calories a day will lose a ton of weight, with or without the injections.
    The problem is that it puts you into starvation mode and will make future lasting weight loss very difficult.
  • LenaNicole15
    I've done this diet and I really recommend that you do NOT do it! I was very grumpy from hormone swings, gained all the weight back when I was done, and pretty much put my body into starvation mode. Yeah, maybe 500 calories in a day is a lot if you think about it, but the diet doesn't allow you to eat whatever you want. You have to be very careful about weighing your food, eating only certain types of things, and NEVER having cheat days. The other downer to this diet is that you are not allowed to do any type of exercise! Maybe leisurely walks, but this it. I'd really reconsider doing this diet :S
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    I have done this diet but I was not on 500 calories a day I did 950. I had unlimited amounts of CERTAIN fruits and vegetables. I did have to weigh the meat. I still lost 1 pound per day. The mood swings are ridiculous plus I felt unhappy EVERYDAY! That's not like me at all. Irritable! I got my injections, instructions and, food guide from a doctor in tacoma who did not recommend 500 calories to anyone. 3 weeks after the hcg I put it all back on the same way it came off, day by day. Its not worth the money, the mood swings or, the hassle of weighing foods.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I just saw this on Doctor Oz last week.....
    Topic: The Diet Shortcuts Dr. Oz would NEVER take

    The Hormone Diet

    This diet promises to help you lose weight quickly. While many claim it works, it has a potentially damaging effect on your metabolism.

    The diet is based on the properties of HCG, or human chorionic gonadatropin. This hormone is produced during pregnancy, so pregnant women can use the right kind of fat when burning off calories.

    The HCG diet pills contain small doses of HCG to help your body tap into stored fat and burn it off. They also suppress your appetite so you can consume as little as 500 calories a day. Initially, this diet may help you rapidly drop pounds. Ultimately, it destroys your metabolism, as you are essentially starving yourself. Another negative side effect is the loss of muscle mass, so much that you will no longer be able to effectively burn calories.

    If you’re looking to naturally suppress your appetite, Dr. Oz recommends using the four Fs: fiber, fish, fowl and good fats - like walnuts and flaxseed.