will i fail this time round?

hi all, first time user but definately not new to trying to keep those extra kilo's off. i have a habbit of starting a diet, being able to stick to a strict diet but then day 4 or 5 arrives and the sugar cravings kick in and all i wanna do is eat sticky date pudding. this is usually follwed by a few days of severe binge eating. then i feel like crap and so the viscious cycle continues. am i the only one that does this. please shed some light on this terrible habbit of mine


  • palsluoma
    I do the same thing. I have been using this site for a week today, but because it makes it so easy to track my calories, I am feeling like I can do this! My first week I lost 4lbs in 1 week! My weigh in day is Friday, I am hoping for more good news this Friday! Good Luck, hang in there...it is worth it!
  • palsluoma
    ps, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i know we've all heard and said this before..its not about dieting..

    diets NEVER work, because they restrict and are only used to lose a certain amount of lbs in a certain time period. so..that being said. what you really need to focus on is your HEALTH. Eat healthier foods, exercise and live an overall healthy lifestyle.
    make good food choices, like veg whole grains healthy fats etc. you have to make sure you include exercise.

    yes losing weight is healthy, but so is all the above. you really cant focus on looks and weight, but being fit. once you get that in your head the rest should follow.
  • cmonsterr
    cmonsterr Posts: 11 Member
    I used to do that but since i started here, i've realised that i don't need to deprive myself of sweet stuff. If i've had a good day and been healthy, i can have a biscuit or some sweets or a bit of cake if I'm still within my calories etc. That way i'm not totally depriving myself of things so never have really bad cravings and won't be likely to binge.
    It comes down to limiting rather than depriving yourself.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    I used to do that but since i started here, i've realised that i don't need to deprive myself of sweet stuff. If i've had a good day and been healthy, i can have a biscuit or some sweets or a bit of cake if I'm still within my calories etc. That way i'm not totally depriving myself of things so never have really bad cravings and won't be likely to binge.
    It comes down to limiting rather than depriving yourself.

    i agree
  • curiousmissclay
    This was me completely before i found MFP but il be honest i had abit of a revalation one day and just decided to stop making excuses and just get on with it i deserve better for myself so what i did was i found a tonne of inspirational weight loss quotes i know it sounds dumb but when i get upset that i cant do it i read them and feel that little bit better and i also made a long list of reasons i wanted to loose weight.I also found it nice to have a sort of mental imagine of what i want to look like when im done.I know this all sounds like hokey stuff but whatever works for you these are just things im doing.

    good luck!
    add me as a friend if you want support.
  • chelraeb
    chelraeb Posts: 33 Member
    No, you're certainly not the only one. I've been through that several times. This time is different. This sight, my mfp friends and my family are helping me change my lifestyle... even my way of thinking about food and exercise. I've lost 15.5. pounds and have gained much much more.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! And the more support you have the better. So, please feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • Luckydrd
    Luckydrd Posts: 56 Member
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    You are preaching to a serial yoyo dieter - last a week, lose a couple of pounds, get bored, regain, start again in a few weeks...on and on its goes.
    This time I simply have no option, diagnosed with type II diabetes recently,kidney problems, blood pressure, pancreatic trouble, the list could go on - not all, I must say weight related, but certainly not helping.
    For the past 6 weeks I have changed my diet completely, I used to be a biscuit and chocolate fiend, but I have replaced my cravings with Nakd fruit bars, oat biscuits and the very occasional square(yes 1 square!) of dark chocolate. The one time I did have conventional chocolate (McDonalds Flake Flurry - my sons) the taste I did have tasted off, really fatty and far too sweet, I was actually delighted! To me this meant I was no longer dependant on overly sugary foods and just dont look at them now.
    I am under no illusion that I dont have months of hard work ahead of me, but the support on this site has been amazing, great tips, a good laugh, and being able to track my calories accurately have all helped no end.
    Almost everyone on here is here for the same reason so ask questions, add friends (feel free) and restart this for the last time!
  • thanks guys! good to hear im not alone and we all have the same thought. havent had any support with my previous attempts so hopefully this time round it will be a success
  • palsluoma
    I was just saying at work today how much I miss my junk food. One woman told me that if I can stay clear of sugars for about 2-3 weeks, I won't crave them as much! I have to realize that the junk food I enjoy and crave, are trigger foods for me and most of the time...just one serving isn't enough! So I am just going to only put sugar in my coffee (I can't give up my coffee, the way I like it, just yet0 and eat fruit salads, and mints for my sweets! I am hoping that my co-worker will be correct! Let's keep this journey going, cuz once it stops....the weight comes back and I am tired of playing that game!!