cant get my first 5lb lost

just cant seem to get passed getting my first 5lbs lost ... I seem to lose a bit one week, then put it back on the next - even though i'm managing to keep within my calories for the majority of the time. I wasnt surprised i've put on weight this week, as I've been comfort eating - and had a few take aways - because of a family bereavement. Plus I also had a wedding, where I ate over my calories with sweet stuff.

I'm going to start to increase my exercise this week, and see whether that helps to kick start me into losing again. But starting to feel a bit disillusioned that all my hard work, counting calories and carefully watching portions etc ... is not getting the weight down.

I'm on two lots of medications that caused the weight gain ... and not sure how much of an impact my meds are having on my difficulty in getting the pounds off.

I know that the weight loss is not the only indication, and that it can also come off in inches ... so going to buy a new tape measure (cant find the one i have) and take a note of my measurements, and also monitor inch loss to see if there is any difference there.

I have opened up my diary; although I have to say that the last week is not typical of a normal week, what with the take aways etc. ( I do still enjoy a take away, and limit it to one evening a week maximum usually - and normally reduce the calorie intake of my other food that day to compensate.

but could really do with some support/suggestions as to how to get these first few lbs off and then I can focus on the next 20lbs that are my goal.


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    It's very hard losing weight against the pull of meds that encourage gain. Even maintaining in the face of that is good - so really, you're doing very well.

    I think probably, under these circumstances, you need to be meticulous about your calories. Make sure you're weighing food, or use measuring cups. Make sure that you don't go over, or if you do, you burn a little to compensate. Exercise will help. Can you get a PT to give you a quick assessment and set a programme for you. My good friend who has no thyroid to speak of, and who is on quite heavy pain meds to manage a range of medical problems found using a PT was invaluable in terms of getting started with healthy weightloss. Her loss is very slow, but it's happening - you can see it, and she can feel it in terms of her overall health.

    Hope that helps a little. I do understand how frustrated you must be feeling.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    You have a meal labeled bed time. Are you eating right before you go to bed?
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Make sure you're drinking a lot of water generally but more if you're eating take aways because of all the salt in them. Don't get too disheartened either. I lost 6lbs in my first week and then put 4lbs back on the day after I weighed in (I don't get it either!) and that was a bit of a slap in the face but I carried on trying and so should you. 5lbs is still a great achievement! Just try and increase the water, exercise and try and decrease the take aways (I know how hard that bloody is!!) and it should start falling off. And don't feel bad if you over eat your calories and think 'Stuff it, I'll pig out today and start again tomorrow'.

    Hope that helps a little bit and hope you start to see some differences soon :smile:
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    I wouldn't panic that you're not losing – you're diary seems fairly erratic (which I'm sure is due to circumstances).

    Try and level it out a little... cut back on salt (those pesky takeaways), up the fresh veggies and fruit, and make sure you're eating enough.

    Also you're not logging any water..? That will help.

    Good luck :o)
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    I wouldn't panic that you're not losing – you're diary seems fairly erratic (which I'm sure is due to circumstances).

    Try and level it out a little... cut back on salt (those pesky takeaways), up the fresh veggies and fruit, and make sure you're eating enough.

    Also you're not logging any water..? That will help.

    Good luck :o)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Having just looked at your diary - one of the problems with take away food is that you have no control over what's in there. Consequently, they might well be much more calorific than you're anticipating.

    I know it can be hard to cook at home under difficult circumstances, but I do think this will help. It will also enable you to up your fruit and veg levels.
  • midget4
    midget4 Posts: 4
    looking at your diary, it seems you're having the majority of your calories at nighttime. Is this what you usually do? (I'm guilty of this at times too, so don't feel alone!) or is it just a result of stress over the past few days? To lose weight you need to keep your metabolism going by eating food moderately throughout the day. If you eat one large portion of food in a day, especially at night time, your body will most likely cling to it as it won't anticipate getting food (fuel) on regular basis. I had alot of trouble changing this in my own diet as I love eating before bed, but I've gradually introduced healthier options, and had less of a craving over time for the any food at nighttime.

    Exercise will definitely help because you will be able to eat more, and it will boost your metabolism. weights are awesome to help with this too :)

    good luck!!!
  • HazelAngelstar
    thanks everyone - its so much appreciated.

    just to answer some of the points raised

    Water - I do drink plenty of water during the day ( most days all i drink is water or fruit/herbal teas, and occasional hot chocolate (made with soya milk or water), or fruit juice. I do not drink fizzy drinks at all now.

    Weighing - I have been trying to weigh out portions whenever possible; however - I often end up eating at my mum's house, so I might need to invest in a 2nd pair of scales/set of cups to weigh out portions there also.

    Eating at bedtime: I need to eat something to take my medications at bedtime. However, I have to admit I am very guilty of ending up eating my evening meal later on at night. I usually eat oats so simple & frozen berries made up with soya milk ... so will look at changing this to something lighter. I will also need to try and make sure that I eat my meal earlier in the evening.

    I do try and eat at regular intervals throughout day, and maybe need to have a total re-think about what I am eating and what times? Often I will just have a snack during day and just eat one main meal in the evening ... but will maybe try and start to have a main meal during the day, and something lighter in the evening to see if that helps any.

    With having fibromyalgia, I am so restricted to what exercise I can do without causing a pain/fatigue flare up - I do my regular stretching exercises, and I try to walk as much as I can .... but often that is simply from the car, into a shop then back out again - so never more than 5-10 mins at a time. I also havent been at my yoga class for about 6-7 weeks due to holidays. I have already had a PT assessment, and I am due to start hydrotherapy sessions next week - so once I have my hydro-exercises i'm going to go to the pool once a week to do them; and after the hydrotherapy sessions end, i will try and go to the pool twice a week. My mum said yesterday she will maybe come with me, so hopefully that will help me to commit to doing it if i'm not going alone.

    I also bought myself an exercise thing called a 'Body Slide' ... its 2 handles which you slide along the floor, and has specific exercises for toning up the various muscle groups. My mum also recently bought a weighted super hoop for us both to use; but because of my uncle's death - we havent used it at all this week. But I'm going to start using it again on a regular basis (i'm hoping to get round to my mums to use it every day if possible).

    So thanks everyone for all your support & suggestions .... feel better already :)
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    As you say, your diary might not be typical due to circumstances as of late. I would however try and eat more for breakfast, if you need to have food with you medication,can you perhaps take some crackers or an oatcake in the evening, instead of porridge.

    I used to be very guilty of not eating in the morning, sometimes not even any lunch or a packet of crisps for lunch, then by 4 or 5 when it was dinner time I was ravenous and would pick at stuff before dinner and then have a huge dinner and still want a snack in the evening. My body had no idea what I was doing so obviously I piled on the weight. I started forcing myself to have breakfast now, and actually my body seems to be responding more positively. I try and space out my meals and snacks, and if I do have anything in the evening its never realy past 8 at night (normally not in bed before 11 or 12) and that might just be oat cakes or some wholemeal crackers.

    I hope things settle down for you, once you get into a routine, you should hopefully begin to notice a difference
  • HazelAngelstar
    Ursey, I too never used to eat a breakfast - and only started to do so recently; and you have it exactly ... eating majority of food late afternoon/evening.

    Today is so typical of me; I had a banana around 8.30am with my meds; and its now 11.30am and I've still ate nothing else; I have my fibromyalgia support group meeting today - and need to be out the house in about 30-45 mins; so lunch will just be something very quick. I will probably take something to snack on during the meeting; then it will be about 6.00pm at earliest before i will eat.

    I can see from what everyone is posting that I while for the majority I may be eating the right foods - i'm eating them all at the wrong time. Although; this isnt helped by the fact that due to my fibromyalgia I cannot prepare/cook my own meals - so need to depend on my hubby .... but going to start trying to get us more organised, so that meals are prepared in advance, and if he isnt wanting to eat when I am - I can simply heat up my own.

    I'm determined to get this weight off - because it will benefit my health so much in general xxx
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Sounds like you have it all figured and know your next steps.

    My other half does the cooking etc as I work later, but our deal is that I will plan the week's meals and write the shopping list, and he does the rest. Maybe you could try that! x
  • Sidonas
    Sidonas Posts: 19 Member
    My weight has been doing the same thing, but I am steadily losing inches. People have been commenting that I look thinner, etc. If you have been awhile without physical activity you may need to put on muscle before the weight starts dropping. Remember, muscles weighs more than fat.

    Always have some sort of protein with breakfast. Protein will kick start your metabolism and keep it going through the day. Also, talk to your mum and let her know what you are doing to lose weight. She will be better able to cook things you can eat in portions that help you if she knows what you are doing and how you are doing it.

    Hang in there, the inches do go away and now, after more than 3 months, the weight is finally starting to go for me too. The meds make it harder on us fibromyalgia folks, but we can still do it. We just may take a bit longer than everyone else. :)
  • HazelAngelstar
    thanks Sidonas,
    have taken note of what you say about protein for breakfast .. so will start doing that. Also what you say about the inch loss is possibly true ... as I noticed yesterday that my jeans are getting too loose for me again (when I previously lost weight, started wearing them with a belt - and even had to put an extra notch in afterwards, but they now need another extra notch). I didnt want to go out and buy a new wardrobe till I got to my final weight ... but looks like i'll need to invest in some jeans or leggings ...or I'll spend all day pulling them up !!!)

    I keep meaning to buy a tape measure, since I cant find the one I have - and start to record inch loss as well as weight loss.

    my mum tends to make healthy meals, its just that sometimes I cant eat what they are having, because of my food intolerances; and to be honest = at the moment, that is where I eat most of my takeaways. But in future, if they are having a takeaway, im just going to have to be strict with myself - and find something else for me to eat.

    again thanks everyone for all your help & support - I feel much more confident today that I can do this, and that while it is maybe going to take me a little bit longer - and need some more big changes to my eating habits ... I can do it :)
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    Aww, you sound better today, noticing that wee extra notch you need on your belt must have given you a boost!