Women with similar stories: Started 175, down to 130. Now back at 150.

Feeling like a bit of a failure after regaining 20lbs of my hard earned loss. It seemed so much easier to loose the first time, I am now having a lot of trouble.
I would love to hear from people who are going through this currently and people who have succeeded and kept the weight off.

Thanks in advance!


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I gained back more than that. I had to get my MFP mojo back--I think burnout is a problem here. I got it back and I'm losing like I did the first time--maybe a bit slower. Best news is that you are on it now and don't have a big mountain to climb, just a hill. I firmly believe maintenance is much harder than losing.
  • mamasara2
    mamasara2 Posts: 194 Member
    I was close to 200lbs right before I had my second child. Got onto mfp, dropped to 149, ditched counting calories and exercising all together and was in the mid 180s when I got back onto mfp almost a month ago. Working my way back down again!

    You are not alone.
  • mrshippity
    mrshippity Posts: 3 Member
    I am starting back with mfp! I had started doing better and decided to join WW but with all the free foods they advertise, it is a stumbling block for me, because I can't control myself with "free" foods. I need to have a more structured plan in place. Am looking forward to a fresh start!
  • ashleep423
    ashleep423 Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds similar to me. I was in the 160s, went down to 145 and now I'm heavier than before at 170! I went clothes shopping and everything looked so awful on me I literally drove straight to the gym to sign up for a membership. Hoping I can keep up with it this time. I always give up after 6 months or so.
  • Teamleslie
    Teamleslie Posts: 112 Member
    Ive had the same problem. Anything throws me off. Stress, going on vacation, more stress. Im just starting up again and hoping I can get motivated and stay at a healthy weight. This yoyo thing is BS.
  • ossentia
    ossentia Posts: 96 Member
    I lost almost 40 lbs., kept it off for two years, had a bout of severe anxiety, went on anti-anxiety meds and gained all the weight back within 6 months of starting the meds. Talk about demoralizing! I've been seriously angry with myself ever since, and I've found that getting back to losing the weight has been very tough. It's so easy to keep beating ourselves up for gaining some (or in my case all) the weight back, but staying fit and healthy just doesn't always work into the plans. I'm trying harder than I have in a long time to lose the weight, and I'm trying to be kinder to myself for putting it back on in the first place. I don't have any advice, just understanding.
  • Venus_88
    Venus_88 Posts: 112 Member
    Hey. I started at 164 went down to 135, then got back to 150 turned around 145 for a while and now I'm 140 +/- 2 pounds or so. Going on a small trip and geting back on it to lose the last 10 pounds. I'd like to get off counting calories but not ready yet. I tend to overeat as soon as I stop tracking. But unlike you fresh start inspires me. I actually learned to enjoy the journey. Hope it will work out for you this time.
  • netitheyeti
    netitheyeti Posts: 539 Member
    I started at (quickly converting kg to lbs) 205ish lbs, dropped to low 120s, then my lowest ever which was about 105lbs... and then gained back to 160s in 3 years! Now in the low 140s aiming for 120ish lbs again (I'm roughly 5'2)
  • Anrok
    Anrok Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2018
    I can relate! I lost 30 then back up 25 now I'm down trying to get to the low 120s.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    I lost 120 pounds and gained half back, and have been at this weight for 5 years. Now i am trying to lose it again. Don't think I will go as low this time. So hoping to lose 40 pounds this time around.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I went from 307 very slowly to 270 then more quickly to 166...maintained for 4 years...and now several years later I'm at 174 and lately I am feeling like I gained back 50 lb instead of EIGHT POUNDS!!!

    Regaining can be such a mindf --- even when it's not that much. Just get back at it, that's what I'm trying to do as well.