Starting my weight loss adventure! Need motivation and friends!

I am obese. There I said it, I cringed just thinking it because I was always in denial when ever I ate thinking it’s fine, I’ll grow out if It... that didn’t happen...

I’m Juju, I’m 27 and I’m ready to start my adventure on a healthy me! A healthy life and my weight loss journey!

I’m looking for friends or people to motivate and support me and vice versa! A community where I won’t be judged but instead we’ll hit our goals together <3

So if you’re interested or even if you your self are just starting out on this journey, please join me and friend me :) together we can do this! We can reach our goals and motivate and support each other when it gets hard!


  • dmb1791
    dmb1791 Posts: 3 Member
    I added you! Just stick with it and don't give up. I lost 65 lbs before but unfortunately gained it all back when I reverted to my old eating habits. You will have bad days. You will want to give up. If you fall off the wagon, the best time to get back on is now.
  • jennacole12
    jennacole12 Posts: 1,167 Member
    You can do it!! Just don’t quit even when you feel like it’s taking forever.. that’s when it’s he most important to stay consistent.
  • KiwiGirl91
    KiwiGirl91 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks guys xx