Newbie here!

jeremyawarren Posts: 11 Member
edited July 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all just started my keto life a week ago dropped 10 lbs. granted mostly water weight. Feeling good working out in the gym. Hoping to loose serious weight by the end of summer


  • jonbrown1227
    jonbrown1227 Posts: 7 Member
    You got this dude! Add me if you want.
  • jeremyawarren
    jeremyawarren Posts: 11 Member
    Ooh yeah I got this👍. Loosing about a pound daily at the moment. We will see what this week holds, excited!
  • crystallynn19
    crystallynn19 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I just started my Keto journey 3 days ago. I have way more energy that's for sure. 😊
  • jeremyawarren
    jeremyawarren Posts: 11 Member
    Stay hydrated for sure and try to get the fats and proteins. I didn’t get keto flu I hope your as lucky!