I think my body has its own idea of ideal weight!

Just a thought, but do you think It's possible that your bodys ideal weight may differ from what you think?
My personal ideal weight is 8.5stone, or UK dress size 8 (I'm 5ft)
However the weight I have always found it easy to maintain.....add hardest to get past is 9.5 stone,dress size 10.

Maybe this is my bodies ideal weight, and I shouldn't keep trying to push it into weight loss that I struggle to maintain...... or am I just finding excuses! ;)


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I totally agree with you. My body seems most comfortable at my weight now (143-145 lbs) and its a complete useless struggle to get below that, and after fighting it for a couple months ive resigned myself to the fact that this is my goal weight. And im totally happy with it. I am currently training for a marathon and think once my mileage picks up I will lose more, but im not going to fight weight loss anymore.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Well you are technically overweight at that size and there's a good chance you have a dangerous level of body fat. Everyone gets plateaus. But when they happen at a point where your health may suffer you need to deal with it and keep losing. Aside from the whole heart, blood pressure, diabetes, cancer thing there are little issues like destroying your knees by putting too much weight through them, gallbladder disease and your personal sense of self-worth. You sound like you want to get to 8.5 stone, and if that's really the case you should make a proper go of it for the sake of your personal confidence and happiness.

    I am 5'1 and at 115 lbs (just over 8 stone) I still need to lose weight for health reasons, because of the amount of fat on my stomach which increases my chances of heart problems. So unless you are exceptionally muscular I think your goal of 8.5 stone is a great starting point, and you should try to hit it.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    If your happy at that weight stay there! If you feel healthy and can walk upstairs without getting out of breath you're good! So long as you matain a healthy diet I don't see a problem. I think every body has a weight they feel comfy at and if your body says it's that then why struggle if you're happy.

    On the other hand, if you feel fat or such or wanna carry on then keep trying! You'll lose weight alot slower but it may be worth it in the end.

    Totally your choice!

    Good luck!
  • zowgati
    zowgati Posts: 25
    Also completely agree! I have sat at the same weigh give or take a few pounds for the last three years, through half-marathon training, holidays, winters. This weight (66kg) is 1 kilo above my original goal weight and 2 kilos above my prefered weight. 66kg just seems to be the weight at which my body is at it's fittest, healthiest and strongest. I can exercise , run 5 times a week, eat well and have pancakes on a sunday! Maintaining a lower weight requires ongoing restrictions that impacton my quality of life and just aren't worth it
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    All bodies have genetic dispositions to certain sizes.
    It is possible to go beyond that.
    If you are thin enough to be healthy, then you might be OK.
    Only you and your DR can answer that.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    For me the argument based on the calories you have to eat to maintain that weight makes the most sense. If I had to eat 1400 to maintain a certain weight, I wouldn't be that weight. As it is, I can eat over 2000 calories and maintain my current weight (bmi 20, to help make comparisons) so there is no need for any but the lightest restrictions.

    I have yet to plateau, ever. When I stop losing it's because I'm happy at that weight and want to stop, or because I believe it would be hard to go further. I believed 60kg was the bottom, but used mfp to get to 55.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    I'm in a similar boat OP - 5ft and currently stuck at 8.10 - in my head this is not my ideal weight as my BMI is still quite high at 23 (I only need to gain like 5lbs to be 'overweight' again) and I'd like to lose another half a stone or so - however my weight won't shift from where it is for love nor money, I have tried every thing over the last 8 months and I just can't break passed it. People keep telling me that my body is done, it's happy where it is, I need to stop worrying about it...but I just can't get my head there.
    For me the argument based on the calories you have to eat to maintain that weight makes the most sense. If I had to eat 1400 to maintain a certain weight, I wouldn't be that weight. As it is, I can eat over 2000 calories and maintain my current weight (bmi 20, to help make comparisons) so there is no need for any but the lightest restrictions.

    I have yet to plateau, ever. When I stop losing it's because I'm happy at that weight and want to stop, or because I believe it would be hard to go further. I believed 60kg was the bottom, but used mfp to get to 55.

    You're lucky, us short girls can eat much fewer calories if we don't want to gain.
    My maintenance number on MFP is 1450 but I find if I eat over 1250 I gain....I also burn so few calories when I work out as I am already so fit and don't weigh a lot so if I wanted to eat 2000 calories a day and not gain I'd have to work out high intensity about 2.5 hours a day lol
  • brown_eyed_girl_06
    Bump :smile: