I QUIT!!!!

I quit! That's it!

I try so HARD , i eat good food and i try to burn almost half of what i eat on the eliptial 400-600 calories.
i only eat around 1200 a day!

and in THREE WEEKS I'VE LOST 4 ounces!!! i started at 133 and now im 132.6

i quit. i mean , i feel terrible.

i might as well eat whatever i WANT and weigh the additional .4!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • ashleyjea1985
    I quit! That's it!

    I try so HARD , i eat good food and i try to burn almost half of what i eat on the eliptial 400-600 calories.
    i only eat around 1200 a day!

    and in THREE WEEKS I'VE LOST 4 ounces!!! i started at 133 and now im 132.6

    i quit. i mean , i feel terrible.

    i might as well eat whatever i WANT and weigh the additional .4!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • moonchild6984
    Dont quit I know its really hard, I have heard from a trainer named Jillian on the " Biggest Looser" that if you dont eat enough you will not loose any weight for your body starts to shut down and conserve what you have eaten. So go back and look at what you are suppose to be eating and work out for 30mins a day. Thats all that they ask for. See if that works I hope it does, if you want to talk I am here.

    I just found this link go to it and read it I think it will help you out alot.
  • lietee
    lietee Posts: 189 Member
    you are not loosing weight because oyu are starving yourself you need to take in more calories so that your body doesnt think its starving. Everything you eat is trying to be saved by your body
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I heard some Dr. once say, "It did not take you three weeks to gain this weight, You are not going to lose it in 3 weeks".
    I think you are a victim of wanting over night results, and that is not going to happen. :frown:
    I hate to tell every one here that, but it is true. Your body is just now starting to think, OH she wants me to LOSE the weight! Hmm, Maybe I will.
    There are some people, Myself included that have bodies that hold weight for a while, THEN we start to lose. then when we do it is a steady loss. I have heard from some ladies on line here that did not lose ANYTHING for 4 weeks, and then when they did it was steady drop at a pound to 2 pounds a week.
    IN THE MEAN TIME! How do you feel other wise?
    Do you sleep better? Did you get through the start of the cold and flu season without getting sick? Or if you did, did you notice it did not LAST AS LONG? Have you noticed that you skin looks brighter?
    Have you noticed you have more energy?
    Are your clothes starting to look and feel lose on you?
    Sometimes we put too much into the numbers on the scale and not at how we look and feel.
    And Darling You look MARVELOUS! :bigsmile: :smooched:
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    DON'T DO IT!!!!!
    I understand totally where you are coming from. After almost 6 weeks, I have only lost two pounds. And like you, have been working my butt off. And like you was ready to just give up... this morning!!!! But then I read that article that was posted earlier and it just makes so much sense. For me I know its going to be difficult to get it through my thick head that I need to eat more, becuase I am actually afraid to. I just don't want to see that scale move up. So hang in there, you can do it, and there are so many wonderful people on this site who will help you through it....:heart::flowerforyou:
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    I am feeling the same frustrations! 5 weeks of cutting calories, eating much healthier foods, and excerising A LOT! and the scale? Hasn't moved in the right direction. But we can NOT give up now, or ever. These healthy changes in our food intake and exercise ARE making us healthier, whether the scales moves or not right now. I just have to keep it up and hope that eventually my body will release this extra weight that I'm lugging around.
    Oh, and it does appear that you DO need to eat more calories. 1200 just isn't enough when you're working out as hard as you are, especially since it's probably such a shock to our bodies to have not only cut so many calories in recent weeks, but have also been kicking butt with tons of exercise. Add a few more healthy snacks to your day, particularily 1-2 hours before your workout. A slice of multigrain bread with 1 tbsp of natural peanut butter, get the carbs and energy your body needs to keep going. And another tbsp of PB on a stalk of celery within 30 minutes after your workout to refuel.
  • tbirdl2008
    ifyou burn that much and eat that lil your metabolism shuts down. also mucle weights more than fat..that could be it.. dont give up..
    exercise 3 days a wee and go up to 1500 cal per day.. i dont know how tall you are or how much you weight but try to go a different way...
    good luck
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    Yes, muscle does weigh more thatn fat which is why some people who gain muscle quickly and easily will hold weight a little longer when starting to excercise. You might also try a adding another type of cardio. Maybe some aerobics, pilates, yoga, and some light weights. ( I have many workout dvd's that offer all types of these, and I rotate them days between the treadmill.) Keep your workouts ever changing so your body doesn't settle into one thing.
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Hi There.

    I can understand how frusterated you must be getting but one thing that you didn't mention was how much exercise you did before you started trying to lose weight. If you just started with exercise when you wanted to start shedding pounds that might explain why you haven't shown much results on the scale.
    the muscle you are building from your workouts is counteracting the fat that you are losing since muscle is heavier than fat you might not even be noticing the new muscle but it will still show on your scale and make it look like you are not losing fat.
    But rember taht muscle is good wieght because one pound burns 2 calories an hour just to maintain itself so the more muscle you have the more fat you lose.
    To truely guage your fat loss you need to mesure yourself with a tape or get a new scale that will give you your Body Mass Index.
    What ever you do please don't give up.
    Good Luck

  • kingon8
    kingon8 Posts: 200 Member
    I dont know if it has anything to do with it, but I saw on a show where a fitness guy said the elipticqal is really not all that good for you, if thats the only exercise you'e doing. He said it will burn calories, but b/c the moves that you are doing on it are not moves that your body naturally does, then you need to do other forms of workout, running, treadmill, etc
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    I posted a reply to this a little while ago, and I just realized something... I just came back on to record my mid morning snack. Which I have just started having today , all because of the starvation mode thing. Anyways I realized that it is this web sit and the people using it that is keeping me on track. So thank you to everyone..
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    I quit! That's it!

    I try so HARD , i eat good food and i try to burn almost half of what i eat on the eliptial 400-600 calories.
    i only eat around 1200 a day!

    and in THREE WEEKS I'VE LOST 4 ounces!!! i started at 133 and now im 132.6

    i quit. i mean , i feel terrible.

    i might as well eat whatever i WANT and weigh the additional .4!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you're 133? and what is your goal weight? do you only have a few pounds to lose? if that is the case then of course you aren't going to drop anything huge. you don't have anything huge to lose. if you only have 10 pounds to lose or maybe a bit more or less, your body will cling to it as long as it can. what is your bmr? are you in the normal range? You if so, then you are right, you SHOULD quit...Know why??? YOU MADE IT!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: You are at the perfect weight for you!!!, TA DA!!! what a huge success. now all you have to do is relax, tone up a bit, set up a nice routine and bask in the glow, girl. firm up your arms or abs or what ever is your peskiest problem and be thrilled for yourself. You shouldn't feel terrible, you should be friggin dancing on table tops girl. take a yoga class instead of a cardio class and you will firm up those last few pounds before you know it. congratulations. I wish I were as close as you. But NO you can't eat whatever you want. now you have to educate yourself to maintain this small, but steady weightloss and size. now go out and buy a new dress and reward yourself for being damned near perfect!! :flowerforyou:
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    We are in this together!!!

  • peacefulwarrior
    Three weeks is not enough time under your belt to throw in the towel. First, record all of your body measurements and throw away your scale. Second, plan on eating at least five good meals a day. Third, add a little bit of strength training to your workouts, the more lean muscle your body has the more fat you will burn off, even while resting. Last, and most important thing to remember, losing weight is not hard, finding the discipline to always keep up with it is the hard part. I am sure you have to feel a little better, maybe just a little more energy. Be patience and don't always fall for all the hype of losing all this weight quickly sometimes it just takes a little time and perseverance. It is a trail and error game for everyone until you find what works for you to lose weight. Giving up now will just set you back even more, cause you will decide to do this again and if you quit now think of all the time you will have wasted. Best of luck and you can do this, YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • Mlieb
    Mlieb Posts: 121
    Do not quit. You are on the right track!

  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    lietee and tbird are right. If you're doing what you say you're doing, you're not eating nearly enough calories and it's the classic example of "starvation mode."

    Just eat what MFP tells you to eat. If you happen to burn 800 calories in one workout (and that is a HUGE workout; not one you should be doing every day), then you need to eat 800 more calories in food for that day, just like MFP says.

    Trust the process! I promise it's a good one.
  • kittybellenir
    kittybellenir Posts: 128 Member
    I just found out that by only eating 1200 calories a day I was putting my body into starvation mode, and that's why I wasn't losing anything, I was actually training my body to hold on to food! It was calculated that just in order for me to lay on my bed all day I need to take in 1430 calories to not starve myself, you should find out how many calories you need a day to stay at your weight and then only subtract 500 calories from that.
  • RowanC
    RowanC Posts: 38
    Ok.. so I keep hearing everyone say if you only eat 1200 calories you're starving yourself, blah blah...

    But what I WANT to hear is from WOMEN who have actually eaten MORE and then started losing weight?

    I mean... has this worked for any of you?
    Tell us?
  • Patwin55
    Patwin55 Posts: 100 Member
    This is for RowanC. Yeah, I started at 257 and have lost 12 pounds. I can't stay under 1200 unless I am hospitalized for something, and then, who feels like eating? I try to stay under 1700 calories and I don't always make it. but it is slowly coming off! I can't take off 50 years of abuse overnight!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Ok.. so I keep hearing everyone say if you only eat 1200 calories you're starving yourself, blah blah...

    But what I WANT to hear is from WOMEN who have actually eaten MORE and then started losing weight?

    I mean... has this worked for any of you?
    Tell us?

    There have been lots and lots of stories. I'll say it again, 1200 is an arbitrary number. It may be what you need, but it may be too little for you. What you have to do is find out what your maintain calories are, and subtract anywhere from 100 to probably around 7 or 800 to loose weight (obviously, 7 or 800 is too many if your only suppose to eat 1400 total...etc.). Generally 75% of your maintain weight is a healthy amount. But REMEMBER, if your working out, add that to the total calories your suppose to have I.E. if your maintain calories are 1600 a day, and you work out for say 400 calories in a day, your maintain calories are 2000 for that day, that means you would need to eat 2000 to keep your weight balanced. now if you only eat 1500 that's a 500 calorie deficite for the day, you maintain that deficite and you get about 1 lb a week (slightly over) which, believe it or not, is a solid weight loss, not too much that your body is over stressed, but not too little that you can't tell. That's 4 lbs a month or, drum roll please, 48 lbs a year! That's pretty darn good.

    Obviously, the more overweight you are, the higher your deficite can be without risking harm, to a point.
    I hope this helps.