4lb lost in first week

So I lost 4lb In my first week which I’m so happy about is there anyone else out there who’s got at least 10 stone to lose or around about?! Please feel free to add me a friend and we can keep each other motivated :) ..xx..


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to MFP. Don't get discouraged if your rate of loss slows down. 4 lbs is a lot, and likely due to the change in the types of foods you're eating. I"m sure some of it is actual fat loss, but some may be water weight too - this is really common when you get started on a new way of eating. :)

    Congratulations on your loss so far! You've totally got this!
  • Fat_girl_getting_slim
    Fat_girl_getting_slim Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks a lot @JustSomeEm I know some of it will be water but I’m happy either way :) here’s to another great week 👍🏻
  • AbbigailLennon
    AbbigailLennon Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on the 4 pounds 😄 I just started using this app. I have lost a few pounds too and had to update my weight. But I believe in you don't give up. 😁✌