trying to eat less, but sooooo hungry!!!

Normally I consume 1400-1900 calories a day, but I'm trying to do 1200-1300 a day now (with exersise) and eating a shake that my naturopath suggested to get my flax and protien and soy intake ...

I'm just soooo hungry :( Does it get better when you're starting to eat less? will my stomach adjust?

(story: I gained 23 lbs in 3 months of quitting smoking - which is why I'm having to change my diet ... I want to try for a baby, but need to lose my weight and get down to a healthy weight before trying)

Just need to know when i'll stop feeling so hungry lol


  • hphurley
    hphurley Posts: 14 Member
    it took me 3-4 days to get through it at first. I used to eat a lot of sugary foods so my body was constantly expecting them. In my transition to eating healthier I substituted my sugary food snack with a sweeter healthy alternative (carrots, blueberries), to fill me up until the next meal. And now that I eat smaller portions my stomach has adjusted and can only handle smaller amounts of food. That was just my experience though...
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I just looked through your diary and first off you've got several days that you're not eating enough. You need to hit your 1200 calories. Also, you're eating 3 meals a day, sometimes. You're skipping meals(or not entering them). You should be eating 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. Make your snacks things like celery with laughing cow cheese, or some nuts to hold you over until your next meal. But you need to eat all of your meals.
  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member
    I think you need to eat your exercise calories if you aren't already.
  • soontobeskinnysara
    soontobeskinnysara Posts: 177 Member
    I too am doing 1200 calories a day. It can be tough, especially on the days you don't exercise and don't get those "extra" calories. Make sure you drink A LOT of water (it will help you feel full and keep you hydrated), and make sure you make healthy choices. High fiber options will make you feel full, and make sure you eat every few hours. Try having a small piece of fruit, or a handful of almonds as a snack, but watch those calories! I promise it will get better! Now I have days where I have almost 600 calories left at the end of the day and I'm just not hungry! Stay strong!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    If you're feeling hungry, you won't be able to stick to it. I would adjust your ratio of carbs / fat / protein. Not all calories are created equal! Carbs provide quick bursts of energy, but they also leave you hungry again once that energy is gone. Protein provides more steady, slow-burning energy. So if you get fewer calories from carbs and more from protein, you'll get more "bang for your buck" per calorie and will not get hungry as often.

    Good luck!
  • tanyadawsonryan
    You will adjust to eating less. I know from experience. I usually find the first week the worst, but everyday seems to get a little easier. Good luck :)
  • Monica_1913
    Monica_1913 Posts: 9 Member
    I think that you should eat if you're hungry. Keep low cal snacks around to eat throughout the day. I've learned that my new lifestyle is not about not eating. I eat all day long! :)
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    I know it sounds really silly but try brushing your teeth right after you are done eating. There is something about the feel of clean teeth (I guess) that makes me less hungry. Also, try increasing your protein intake - Greek yogurt is really good for that and so it cottage cheese if you can stomach either of them.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I thought I was going to starve for about 7 days and then suddenly I was fine. During that time I found that drinking something warm (I used caffeine-free herbal teas) took the edge off, as did making sure I got plenty of protein, fiber and fat.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I tried doing 1200 calories but just couldn't do it. I also stopped with the weight loss by doing it. Definitely eat at least 1200 cals, but probably more like the 1300, eat several times a day and be sure it is foods that are filling, slow to digest.
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Craving killers include:

    8 oz warm water with fresh grated ginger

    Cold water with lemon (1oz lemon to 8oz water) without sweeetner

    Good luck!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    yes, your stomach your adjust. however, you can help it adjust...and reduce/eliminate the hunger eating foods that take longer to digest (protein/foods low on the glycemic index) and reducing foods that digest quickly (sugars)
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Have you considered eating more fat? Your body needs it to absorb fat soluble vitamins and it also makes you feel 'full' longer. Make sure your fat choices are healthy like olive oil, flax oil, coconut oil, fatty fish like salmon ( wild or canned), etc. Add a tbsp to your smoothie, and don't be afraid to have a handful of nuts like walnuts, macadamia or almonds. Yes, it bumps up your calories but they're nutrient dense also.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Well you shouldn't be too hungry. This will most likely lead to binge episodes. I am working on being an alkalarian, it's a stricter form of vegab. TThere are no fruits, breads, pastas on this eating method. It mostly boils down to green vegetables, and of course some other vegetables.You can eat specific startchy carbs on this diet, but it's very specific which ones are allowed and which ones are not.

    I am a man, a few weeks ago I was eating 2,500 calories. When i changed to this method.. I struggle to get in 1,500 calories. So in general increase your vegetables.

    I scrolled up and saw a lady talking about how you should eat 3 meals a day and snacks. Well I have the oppositive advice. Intermittent fasting is a popular eating technique that was developed in the field of bodybuilding. You fast for 16-20hrs. Then you eat.Imagine all your food sitting out right in front of you, most people wont be able to eat it all. I do intermittent fasting. On ocassions when i eat something in the morning/early afternoon. I am "ALWAYS" over my calories. When I wait untill it's time to eat I am rarely if every over my caloric limit. I usually start eting at 5pm.

    Some Intermittent fasting methods, start eating around 1 or 2 pm. I usually fast for 18hrs. Lets say my last meal was at 12am I go to bed around 2 wake up at 10 I already fasted 10hrs, I don't eat till 6pm.

    Some other methods fast for 12hrs,
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    You're not eating enough. You need to increase your calorie intake so that you are netting at least 1200 calories each day. If you have your diary set to 1200 calories, try to make the number at the bottom come as close to 0 as you can. On the days when you burn 500 calories from exercise and only each 950, you're only giving your body 450 calories that day to survive on. No wonder you're hungry!!
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    I started off at 1200-1400 cals/day and I was ALWAYS hungry! And in return I ended up going over my cal limit all the time. I tried it for about a month and actually gained a good 5 lbs. So then I decided to increase my calories to 1600 and i'm starting to lose weight (finally)! And better yet i'm hardly hungry.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i hope you are eating you exercise calories back... you should NET 1200-1300 per day above and beyond your exercise calories, not eat 1200-1300 total if you are exercising, too.

    other than that, it takes a week or 2 for your stomach and habits to adjust. plus, the longer you stick with this, the more you'll get the hang of healthy, low cal snacks and easy ways to cut unnecessary calories from meals, and you will find you do have enough to eat. i do enjoy a cup of decaf coffee in the morning and a light beer in the evening, but for the rest of the day, it's water exclusively, and i save so many calories by doing that.
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    I took a look at your diary and it looks like you only have 2 maybe 3 meals a day. I would try having 5 or 6 small meals at 200+ calories each, evenly spaced throughout your day. I eat ALL DAY LONG so I'm never hungry! The majority of my calories comes from fruits and lean meats which really help keep me going. You're stomach will adjust also, but as someone else mentioned, if you are starving you aren't going to stick with trying to make healthy decisions on an empty stomach is just asking for disaster. My will power is directly linked to how hungry I hunger level goes up....will power goes down so I just make sure that doesn't happen :bigsmile:
  • pottyba
    pottyba Posts: 1
    I had the exact same problem!! About the first 5 days I was starving every moment. I too was eating about 1900 calories/day prior to doing MFP. Now I am doing 1300. The starvation thing goes away. I also found that eating higher protein foods as well as high fiber foods seriously helped curb my hunger. I'm vegetarian (weird, I know. I can't stand the taste of meat), & I have an exceptionally hard time staying satisfied unless I eat lots of protein rich foods. I eat a lot of cottage cheese (low fat) with kiwis or I'll eat string cheese (2%) & with fruit. Don't give up!! And if you do go over calorie goal for the day, go for a walk, do some jumping jacks, dance, clean the house, etc. to make up for it. Just don't give up!
  • bhagavatilad1
    If you fill up on fruit you'll find they have less calories and natural sugar. A boiled egg for breakfast staves off hunger pangs for a good while during the day.