Salt intake

I’m doing the keto diet & I now that your supposed to aim for between 3000-5000mg of sodium a day,my problem is when I hit around those levels the next day I look puffy so that then makes me cut it out altogether and then I feel like utter @rap ie lethargic,legs like lead etc,I’m going on holiday in 6 weeks time and am trying to get around or slightly below 10%bf,I’m confused as to what to do I’ve never had to take in this much salt before,will the puffy look subside or do I just carry on feeling rubbish but take great comfort in looking ripped


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    The puffy will subside when you decrease your sodium intake. You don't need special diets and special requirements to lose weight. Just track your calories and eat less than you burn.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited July 2018
    There's middle ground between 5000 mg and cutting it out. Your body needs sodium and it needs more sodium than normal when adjusting to Keto.

    Experiment to find an amount where you don't feel quite as bad or quite as puffy as you do at the extremes.
  • ketobucko
    ketobucko Posts: 46 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    The puffy will subside when you decrease your sodium intake. You don't need special diets and special requirements to lose weight. Just track your calories and eat less than you burn.

    That’s what I’m saying though,when I decrease the sodium I loose the puffy look(water weight)but then I feel like absolute @rap,is there any way of having high sodium levels without gaining the water weight,I think I’d much rather look flat and be able to see my abs even if it does mean feeling like rubbish most of the time,I track all my calories and have been loosing 1-1.5lb per week for the last 8 weeks but then when I have upped my sodium it’s causing me to look garbage and making me feel like it’s all worthless