Neighbor's Cat Adopted Me...



  • Caporegiem
    Caporegiem Posts: 4,297 Member
    Throw her off her balcony.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I started putting out food for the neighborhood street cats about five years ago. Including this charmer:


    My husband was okay with my putting out food but stressed that we weren't letting any of them indoors. Welp, "Soot" had other ideas. About two years ago, he'd follow me back from the yard to the side doorstep. Then he wanted to come in. And then, he'd start watching for Hubby to leave for work. As soon as Hubby was gone, Soot would scratch on the door. Shortly before Hubby was expected home, Soot would wait by the side door to be let out.

    Then he mastered the art of sitting on my windowsill in the pouring rain, looking pathetic. Hubby relented and let him in to wait out the weather.

    Last November, I had surgery. Not too serious; I was sent home same day. My mother came in to help out. I arranged for the neighbor kids to put food in the back for the cats. The day after the surgery, Mom went to the bakery for me. When she came back, Soot was on the front step. When she opened the door, Soot raced in, saw me and started meowing.

    A couple of weeks later, (after some really lousy weather that had Soot seeking indoor shelter—this even though I did get some cat shelters from a rescue, where he'd spent the last few winters), Hubby said, "I think we have a cat. Now we need to get him to the vet."

    He's been living indoors now for about seven months and he's gotten friendlier and more cuddly almost every day. He used to run and hide from strangers. Now he jumps over them if they're blocking the window. He's got a forever home with us and he couldn't be happier. (Even if he did need to have five teeth pulled recently...)


  • BrSpiritus
    BrSpiritus Posts: 190 Member
    @estherdragonbat When we lived in the Philippines my wife and I adopted quite a few street cats.
    Trevor was our first and the one we owned the longest. The first night in the the first place my wife and I rented together we were eating dinner and heard this feeble meow outside the front windows. It was this cat so I gave him some chicken. The next morning he was waiting at the front door and walked inside like he owned the place and proceeded to plop down on the couch and clean himself. He was our cat from that day on and used to like chasing his tail on the stairs.

    This one was Solitaire, the female cats were never as friendly as the males she put up with us and would rub our legs but didn't let us pet her. She had her kittens under the bed in the maid's quarters so we named the kittens Ming and Puckity (because he was the spitting image of cat we had when I was a kid). I was able to tame the kittens and ming ended up with my in laws and puckity stayed with us until he was stolen.

    Mayday was the next female to come into our lives and had her kittens in the attic of our house.

    One of the kittens got trapped in the gutter during a downpouring tropical rain and I had to save him from drowning so he was named Bonne Chance

    These were all the kittens before Mayday finally brought them down to the shelter I provided for her. From Left: Jeanne Chloe, Bonne Chance, Junior, Marie Laveau and Warg
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    They are gorgeous!!!!

  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    All cats should be outside cats. Leave some tuna and a bowl of Evian on the sidewalk in front of your building, that would be nice.

    I disagree. Ive had several cats that have no desire to be outside.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited July 2018
    Tuna isn't the greatest for cats. Neither is the outdoors.

