100+ pounds

s_ldyke Posts: 1 Member
I'm new here. I'm Mom to one prek age kid. I've had some recent health problems and am looking to lose 100+ pounds. I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed and alone and could use some people to talk to who have a similar goal.


  • Ejcejcejc
    Ejcejcejc Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats on starting your journey. Find all the support you can...doctors, support groups, trustworthy sources of info...is critical as there is lots of mis-information out there...or info that isn't relevant for everyone and it can be hard to tell. Be kind to yourself.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I'm 41, and a mom. I've lost a total of ~180lbs so fat.

    At the beginning of my journey, overwhelming was a massive understatement!

    My advice is to start slow, very slow and build momentum.

    1) start by stopping the weight gain. For the first 2 weeks, set your goal to maintenance and work on logging accurately (biggest issue for people struggling at the beginning of thier journey is correctly logging!). So by getting your food logging down, your half way thier.
    2) slowly increase your weight loss goals, start with .5lbs per week. I have seen too many people quit out of frustration because they set thier goals to 2lbs a week and find themselves "starving" or consistently going over thier calories.
    3) when .5lbs a week feels good, go to 1lb a week. Repeat the increase when you get comfortable at each additional calorie deficit.
    4) change is hard, changing EVERYTHING is incredibly hard and nearly impossible to maintain. Changing ONE thing is easy, small changes over time lead to massive results!
    5) don't over think. To lose weight all you need to do is eat at a deficit. You don't have to cut out food groups, or exercise (exercise is not required, but recommended for overall health).

    Hope this helps. Feel free to FR me.
  • Ascaiavasiel
    Ascaiavasiel Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I'm also looking to lose over 100lbs and I'm always looking for friends with similar goals. Feel free to add me. Weight loss is hard but I think it's easier when you don't feel so alone.
  • jenniferallen33
    jenniferallen33 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread! I have 100+ to lose, and I'm down 13. I just retired due to health/ stress issues, and I'm hoping to make exercise and eating healthy and regular habit. I'm 48, so having a bit of the metabolism slow down, but also willing to try new exercises to keep the metabolism working.

    I realize that although I've been tracking and using the app, I don't even have a profile, so I'll work on that in a bit.

    I'll be there for you, if you'll be there for me. 100 starts with 1 pound at a time. My short term goal is I had a 3D body scan done at Gold's gym and they are going to redo it at the end of August so I can see my progress. I'm excited to see the results!