Help me pick out dinner please!

I'm going to a new restaurant for a friend's birthday and while I am totally prepared to enjoy myself I would like to make a semi-good decision.

Any suggestions from this menu:



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm betting this is the more healthy choice of them all:
    Charbroiled Moorish marinated chicken kebab served with couscous and piquillo-green olive slaw.
  • wendibartel
    If I got to pick I would say skip straight to the Churros con Chocolate lol. Ok but on a more serious note CROQUETAS DE PLATANO DULCE sounds like it could be yummy just depends on how everything is cooked too. For an entree this looked the best just by description. PINCHO MORU Charbroiled Moorish marinated chicken kebab served with couscous and piquillo-green olive slaw .Just enjoy and have a great time
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    I was reading about eating out and they said that if you order a soup as an appetizer it helps you eat less, another trick is actually ordering an appetizer as your main course because it is smaller. One of the things I can tell you, I was a waitress for a very long time, is customize it to what you want, ask them not to add any salt, not to be cooked with butter or oil. Anything with chicken (not breaded is a good choice) if you opt for the potatoe go with the baked no butter or sour creme. Also if you get dessert either share with someone or three bite rule. You take three bites (regular lol) push your plate away for 20 mins, if you are still hungry you take three bites again, but apparently the 20 mins in between is enough time for your brain to get the "I am full signal". Good luck and have fun.
  • jmcholden
    jmcholden Posts: 20 Member
    TORTA DE HUEVO Roasted Portabella mushroom, crispy cornmeal pocket filled with egg and topped with goat cheese or chorizo over chipotle cabbage salad.

    I would guess this one is the sensible one. Anyone else want to take a guess?

    They all sound good, but I have no idea how you would count it in your food diary!
    Have fun!:smile:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    TORTA DE HUEVO Roasted Portabella mushroom, crispy cornmeal pocket filled with egg and topped with goat cheese or chorizo over chipotle cabbage salad.

    I would guess this one is the sensible one. Anyone else want to take a guess?

    They all sound good, but I have no idea how you would count it in your food diary!
    Have fun!:smile:

    This doesn't sound that sensible to me, since it has goat cheese and a crispy cornmeal pocket which implies fried. The PINCHO MARUNO seems the least bad since it's grilled and comes with coucous which is usually not that bad.
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    Thanks everyone, I definitely want to enjoy myself...maybe I'll split the churros con chocolate. :)