When was it that it hit you?

So, I am wondering... What was the turning point for you? When did all the yo-yo dieting, excuses and just not caring become too much for you?

For me - It was a week ago. I stepped on the scale and a scary number looked back at me. 226lbs. My world just came to a stop and began to crumble. I had hit my highest weight. The thoughts of once being 108lbs ran through my mind. The fact that diabetes was coming soon and that I wouldn't be able to have another baby at this weight just hit me. I was embarrased and sadden at the same time.

Finally, then and there I told myself "ENOUGH". Your kids and hubby need you. "YOU" need you. The kids want a healthy mommy. Hubby deserves a healthy wife. "You" deserve to live a full life! That moment was eye awakening and I knew then that it had to be done. No more excuses or just waiting until tomorrow.


  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    When I was sitting at my desk at work, wearing a dress.. and I could feel my belly resting on my legs.
    NO MORE! I am going to get TONED and healthy and who knows.. maybe rock a real swimsuit at some point.
    But for now, I will settle for not having my legs rub together when I walk and feeling my gut rest on my thighs!
  • nicolby
    nicolby Posts: 6
    Well I got pregnant weighing 195. I had a pretty good pregnancy and by the end I weighed 235, but I was down to 185 at my 2 week post partum check up. Awesome right! Too bad when my son was a year old I weighed 213. That was a big turning point for me. I can't just do whatever I want anymore, apparently I have to work for it. I'm not a teenager anymore, and if I don't pay attention I just gain weight!
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    When my doctor said "you almost died, because you're too fat" exact quote right there :)
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I didn't think being 50-60lbs overweight was a big deal... until I met a chubby child who weighed 55lbs. I realized I was carrying her weight (and then some) on me 24/7.

    I also realized/ reaffirmed that just because I was happy with myself, doesn't mean there was no room for improvement. By losing weight and becoming healthy, I could become happiER with myself. Losing weight doesn't have to mean you don't like yourself. Adopting a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you're plagued with unhealthy body image issues. It could very well be the opposite.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    My highest ever was 230 some years ago. I found out I had PCOS, got on metformin, dropped to around 200. I fluctuated there at 200-205 for several years, but in the last 18 months went up to 225 again. This past Xmas my doctor (who is on me every year about my weight) told me he wanted me to join WW and lose 20 lbs by next xmas.

    I've done WW before w/ no success and had no intention of doing that again. I've read books, I've worked out, I did the gym, I've had trainers. Nothing worked except if I either really limited carbs, or upped my exercise. However, I've only been good at doing one OR the other - never both.

    It got to be May & I realized that I had 1 year to lose only 20 lbs - not like the doctor gave me some impossible goal, but I frittered away nearly half that year already. So, with summer comes walking, swimming, bike - I figured if I was going to make any progress, I had to start now. Joined MfP on 5/26 w/ a goal to lose 10 by my July 22 vacation and another 10 by Xmas. Small, achievable goals. Obviously, I've already passed the 20# mark and am looking forward to seeing my doctor's reaction this December!
  • Honey1990
    We had a reading is fun day for kids where i worked one day and i decided to participate. A couple of weeks later they put up some pictures and as i was looking at them i saw this really big lady and the closer i looked i realized that it was me. i was so in denial about my weight that i didnt even recognize myself. the next week i had a check up at the doctor and was at my highest weight ever 204 which is alot for my little 5"3' frame. from that point on i have been loosing weight and for the long term this time. i never want to not recognize myself unless its because im to skinny, again.
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    When I was turning 40 in April it really hit home. We were looking at family photos and I realized that I have very few of my, because I was never comfortable in front of the camera. I kept missing out on adventures and fun that I wanted but was too embarassed to try at my size. I realized that I want to have fun and enjoy life, not have one full of regret. My health has always been "perfect, other than being obese". Tough word to swallow. I am now so focused and determined to make my outside reflect who I am on the inside. Thanks for sharing your story, and best of luck to you on your journey!
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    The numbers on the scale sucked and I hated how many pounds "the camera added" over the years, but the turning point for me was when I went to a pole dance class (courtesy of Groupon, lol). You have to wear shorts and a tank top, and the walls of the studio are fully mirrored. Seeing myself in skimpy clothes from every unflattering angle made me want to cry. It didn't help that my instructor is a tiny little thing with 3 kids (I have 2). That night, I decided that something had to change. I whined about it on facebook and a friend directed me here. That was 25.5 pounds ago, and I feel great now!
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    I had a Dr. visit & I was at my HIGHEST weight ever in my life. 219lbs & I'm 4' 11" NOT A GOOD LOOK!!! I felt the same embarrassed & saddened at the same time. Sad for myself that I ALLOWED myself not to CARE about ME, because I was so busy caring for others around me.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Planning a vacation with a friend & she said we can't ride the donkeys into the Grand Canyon cause you have to be under 220 lbs. =\ I WAS under 220 but suddenly realized I'm not 'carrying my weight' as well as I thought LOL wasn't fooling anyone but myself and certainly wouldn't fool the donkeys.
    14lbs down & counting - Grand Canyon, here I come!
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    when my size 10 AE jeans that I bought a couple months prior didnt fit me anymore
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    when just at 20 pounds overweight I had a hard time getting up off the floor from a sitting position! My knees just wouldn't support and I hd joint pain!

    Really - Freaked me out - I am only 52! But I thought about how my mom, mother-in-law and younger sister, can't get up either. Mom and sis are obese and mom-in-law very thin and 96 years old (now passed) wasn't able to when she had fallen!

    I just don't want to be one of the folks who lies there.....waiting for someone to come by to help me. :blushing:
  • skinnimini16
    id been yo yo dieting since the summer before 6th grade, but it really hit me in 8th grade. i dont remember how much i weighed but i was a size 2 in jeans and i freaked out!
  • chetzer
    chetzer Posts: 13
    When I hit 190 and it was all gut. I had been asked if I was pregnant, and im not. The navy kept me moving so I was fit and under 165lbs. Diabetes also runs high in my family so I knew I had to get fit before it ran right into me.

    HT: 5'7 1/2
    Start: 190
    Current: 179
    Goal: 160
    No date, just to keep it off and stay healthy.
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    When I turned 40 ~ I finally caved and walked into a WW meeting. (Before that, I REFUSED to pay someone to tell me what I already knew from years of growing up with a diabetic.) I had lost 10# on my own (following the WW plan a friend of mine had given me) AND because I was only accountable to myself I stalled there. I NEEDED to be accountable to someone and in doing so, I lost the additional 20# I had set out to lose under a GREAT leader. Soon after I reached my goal weight, I didn't think I needed to track anymore ~ I knew what a serving size was, duh! nor did I feel I needed to go to the weekly meetings. But....slowing falling back into old habits and being laid up with a herniated disc in my lower back 2 yrs ago, I gained 10# back and have struggled on my own to take it off (the WW plan was getting boring...points, points, points....) Joined MFP nearly 30 days ago and have found the support & motivation I've been seeking to take it back off once and for all!
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    I am 5'2... 226 lbs is a whole lot of weight for my tiny person!!!

    We had a reading is fun day for kids where i worked one day and i decided to participate. A couple of weeks later they put up some pictures and as i was looking at them i saw this really big lady and the closer i looked i realized that it was me. i was so in denial about my weight that i didnt even recognize myself. the next week i had a check up at the doctor and was at my highest weight ever 204 which is alot for my little 5"3' frame. from that point on i have been loosing weight and for the long term this time. i never want to not recognize myself unless its because im to skinny, again.
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I was 180 when I got pregnant, and here I am at 225 just 2 years later... I feel disgusted with myself and I have never been this heavy. I just got lazy after my son was born and used having a baby as an excuse to not do anything physical and sit around all day. I am wearing size 20W pants when just 4-5 years ago I was in a 13 Juniors... I am embarrassed and don't even want to get undressed in front of my husband anymore. Also, my dad just told me recently that he was concerned about my weight and said he wanted me to be around to see my son grow up. I am tired of seeing all the toned women in bikinis as well... while I come up with reasons why I can't go swimming because I refuse to wear a swimsuit. All those things are why I finally said enough is enough. I started my journey 6/22/11 and I'm only down 13 pounds, but it's a good start!
  • SadieLuvzWolvez
    well i love ! to watch Dr. Oz and i learned alot about risks for heart failure and dieseases and cancers i could get from staying the weigh i was. And at the beginning of my school year i was 180 lbs and over the cource of the year i gained up to 230, my highest weight. I remembered just a few months back i was weighing 200 or so and i was scared and desided to change. I tried to get my mom to help me but she wouldnt. Shes 32 and weighs less than me and it worried me. Im 12 and thought this would help and it has. I dont know y it only lets 18+ join but it has helped me lose 2 pounds already so yea that was it! :3 hope that helps! *MFP for me has worked better than livestrong*
  • stelid
    stelid Posts: 60
    For me, it was the Facebook tags. I spent all night getting ready for a bachelorette party and the next morning I was tagged in several pictures where I hardly recognized myself. It seems like self perception varies--but the camera doesn't lie in 10-12 pictures of the same party, in the same dress. I don't want to feel that fear when someone wips out a camera anymore. I want to be able to smile and be confident that I will recognize myself when the photos develop or surface.
  • danimcgov
    When I ended 2010 with two major surgeries back-to-back- spinal surgery and then brain surgery- I swore that I absolutely HAD to get healthy again. Being sad all the time, never wanting to leave the house & always being in pain...that just wasn't anyway to live. Now, for the very first time except for when I was severely anemic a long time ago, my labs are starting to come back not looking so great either....so, that just reminds me I still have ALOT of work yet cut out for me!