Wake Me Up!!!

Hey all,
Any tips on how I can wake up an hour early (I sleep until the last possible minute of getting ready for work)? I want to try to fit a 30 min-60 min workout in the AM as well as my PM stuff...I try to go bed early thinking that will do it, but either I can't fall asleep or I still just don't wanna get up...I used to have a roommate back in the day at woke me up every morning no matter what...that was dedication! But not I don't have that...any tips out there?


  • 46and2
    46and2 Posts: 167
    The first couple weeks are going to be hard. Just set your alarm and force yourself out of bed. Eventually you'll be too damn tired to think about staying up late. Then your sleep schedule magically changes.

    I get up at 4am to go to the gym. It's a bit rough at times but sometimes you just gotta make the change.
  • SweGuy
    SweGuy Posts: 78
    Tried using alarm clock?
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you! Mornings literally piss me off. :grumble:

    Luckily, I can walk to and from work so I start the day with that but it's only 3 miles round trip. I'd like to get up early enough to eat a good breakfast (instead of oatmeal at my desk) or SPRINT my route because I'm going to be late for work.

    Should we start a text message wake up call?!
  • stelid
    stelid Posts: 60
    I try to prepare the night before by going to bed earlier and laying out my workout clothes, iPod, shoes, water, etc. That way, I can pull myself out of bed and get the gym before I really know what's going on. I also use a power song as my alarm (Kanye West -- Power) which usually pumps me up a little to work out a sweat. Its always easy when you have a partner because then neither of you wants to be the lazy one that stayed in bed and held the other back.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Try moving your alarm clock across the room so you are forced to get up out of bed to turn it off.
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    I am not a morning person - REPEAT - I am not a morning person. I have however changed my sleeping patterns. I started getting up to exercise in the morning, just jumped in and started. I *****ed about it for a long time. Then after being told that I am an adult, and sometimes adults do things they don't necessarily want to do. I then started to realize I am making an adult decision and try to enjoy it. I found eventually it was easier, I sleep better and now I cannot sleep past 7 am on weekends.
  • Sveta34
    Sveta34 Posts: 19
    You're funny! SweGuy
  • mizfrankie
    mizfrankie Posts: 100
    Are you a caffeine and sugar person? You could try cutting out all caffeine first and then work on cutting down most of your sugars. That should help you find a deeper sleep and you would have more energy in the morning.

    And if you like shakes add some Maca powder. It's a great boost.
  • Sveta34
    Sveta34 Posts: 19
    amelia_atlantic I like that Idea, but if neither of us can wake up then we need 46and2 to call us at 4am (or at least for me 6 chicago time works) LOL...
  • cre8freedom
    cre8freedom Posts: 63 Member
    I think that part of it is also what you are intaking - I've been on a detox diet (no pills or special drinks) for 7 days and I am already seeing a difference. I can get up in the morning! I would suggest stop drinking caffeine, alcohol & eating sugar and see how that helps. If you'd like to do the full detox diet then my trainer has an e-book available for $37 CAD. I could send you the info if you like! I've lost 9lbs in 1 week and I am feeling healthier. (the reason I lost so much is because I have about 50 lbs to lose and it was a kickstart to my workout and clean eating plan to lose weight).
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    amelia_atlantic I like that Idea, but if neither of us can wake up then we need 46and2 to call us at 4am (or at least for me 6 chicago time works) LOL...

    May I be so naive to ask...what's 46and2?
  • Sveta34
    Sveta34 Posts: 19
    amelia_atlantic...that was the user name of the guy that responded first saying he gets up at 4am...
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    amelia_atlantic...that was the user name of the guy that responded first saying he gets up at 4am...

    haha...DUH! I thought it was a phone wake up service you could call! It is CLEARLY Monday.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    I find that when I take a karate class at night, it's much easier to get up in the morning. Not sure why.
  • 46and2
    46and2 Posts: 167
    amelia_atlantic...that was the user name of the guy that responded first saying he gets up at 4am...

    haha...DUH! I thought it was a phone wake up service you could call! It is CLEARLY Monday.

    LOL. I'll be the wake up call.. but you get 4am Mountain time.. Hope you don't live west.
  • BerkleyEL
    BerkleyEL Posts: 77 Member
    I'm a morning person, so I pretty much bounce up outta bed at 5:00 AM, but good luck keeping me awake past 10PM.
    Besides the alarm clock (it plays the radio!) I have two absolutely starving (EVERY morning) cats and a dog with a wet cold nose looking for their breakfast.
  • Sveta34
    Sveta34 Posts: 19
    I just figured out how to attach to other comments...let me try that again...
  • Sveta34
    Sveta34 Posts: 19
    amelia_atlantic...that was the user name of the guy that responded first saying he gets up at 4am...

    haha...DUH! I thought it was a phone wake up service you could call! It is CLEARLY Monday.

    LOL. I'll be the wake up call.. but you get 4am Mountain time.. Hope you don't live west.

    Mountain Time works for me, as I am central...so should be perfect...I can't pay you, however, if you are ever in Chicago, I can show you some fun stuff to do!
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    sveta... russia?
  • Sveta34
    Sveta34 Posts: 19
    I'm a morning person, so I pretty much bounce up outta bed at 5:00 AM, but good luck keeping me awake past 10PM.
    Besides the alarm clock (it plays the radio!) I have two absolutely starving (EVERY morning) cats and a dog with a wet cold nose looking for their breakfast.

    That sounds perfect, however, I am not animal person since my kitty passed last November...maybe i can find someone else with a cold nose to wake me up. :tongue: