New Member

Hiya! =) My name is Kristin. I'm hoping to recieve some help with this process and make new friends along the way.


  • hufflepuffin
    Welcome BFF! You're gonna love it here!
  • TommyWR
    TommyWR Posts: 65
    Welcome, great site with great people. Your journey will be great one. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • mitchypoo777
    My name is Michele but people call me Mitchy or Mitchypoo. I think this is Day 6 for me and I've lost 2 lbs! I'm being really conscious of everything I put in my mouth and I can see this working for me. I've been up and down so many times and I'm optimistic that I will be successful this time. Health is my main concern, and then I want to feel good about myself. I heard about MFP by a podcaster and I've found everyone to be very nice and supportive! Please friend me so we can cheer eachother on.
  • IamGabbie
    Hiya All,

    I am brand new to MFP. Just quit Weight Watchers. The entire "points" thing made no sense to me. I am hoping to lose 20 lbs. Looking forward to "meeting" some people who would like to be accountability partners and share this journey. Wish me luck!! Carpe Diem to you all.