Yeah, thats me in my undies.

HI!!! My name is Sara and here I am. This is kinda a big deal to me to share all of this. I am 182 pounds, look at that, I said it! I was 220 pounds 4 years ago, and 198 about 4weeks ago, Its been so slow I figured it was time to get serious. I did the typical turning into a zebra stripped balloon after getting pregnant. I can say I never really Yo-yo'd...I dieted for about 2 weeks tops. I am really good at finding reasons to give up, so I figured if I can be accountable its a REALLY good thing. Anyways that all being said, it'd be good to find some like minded people to find support in, because frankly my husband is sick of hearing about the portions of bread in an average size bagel and I'm pretty sure he doesn't care how many calories are in a banana.


  • chef970
    chef970 Posts: 196 Member
    You can me if u a chef with lots of good food to share
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    awesome success so far, way to go!!! yes, lots of people here will care about portions of bread in a bagel and calories in bananas, hehehe. =) this is a great place to find support! welcome, and feel free to add me as a friend if you like!
  • dosesr4winners20
    Great job and welcome! You've come to the right place for support! Feel free to add me if you'd like! <3 Christina
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    great job on the weight-loss you have already had!!! Keep up the good work! feel free to friend me if you like
  • nannyx6
    nannyx6 Posts: 72 Member
    I can so relate.All I talk about is calories of everything.But it is ok to be consumed for now if that is what it takes to make it work.I finally found something that I think will work for me and that is this site.It is so easy to figure out all the calories I could be putting in my mouth and it has really made me accountable.Good luck!!
  • dwieferich
    dwieferich Posts: 12 Member
    Haha I can totally relate, My husband feels the same way. Although he should be on here too. lol You can add me if you would like. Im trying to start my journey again today.
  • xMissAprilx
    xMissAprilx Posts: 143 Member
    Yeah, I think my husband is pretty tired of going "wait, how many calories are in that?" Before I eat anything. Lol Add me if you like. =)
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    Haha yeah I said the same thing about the bananas my husband could care less,but i was schocked when i saw how many they had lol.....thanks for being so brave!!! I could never gave by pic taken in my undies!
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    I normally have my friends asking me how many calories are in the things they eat. Its like I am a walking calorie counter. lol! Its a great place to be. You'll pick up loads of handy tips and it help you track your progress.

    Feel free to add me.
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    Great progress :) Keep up the good work!!
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Bahahaha 360 views just from the title!
  • TiffanyA2008
    You're much braver than I am first of all. You've definitely came to the right place though. Keep in mind that the road may be bumpy at times, but it is all worth it in the end. Feel free to add me :)
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    Good job on your weight loss and keep it up feel free to add me!!!
  • famlyluv
    famlyluv Posts: 206 Member
    Hey Sara!
    Im pretty much in the same boat you are. My husband wont tell me I need to lose weight even tho I clearly do. And, he doesn't care about calories or carbs lol. Im new to this and looking for some more support. I can't stick to a daily exercise regimen and I pretty much eat what I want when I want to.
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    This so sounds like me bout 6 weeks ago, I think I came to a point were I said...I really like being a girl than eating tacos... If you wnat can have it!!! Its a new you! I'll cheer for ya!
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    Bahahaha 360 views just from the title!

    You gotta be flashy to make frinds, right? lol
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Sara, you are well on your way, WTG! Feel free to add me if you like, I am pretty new here myself :smile:
  • shashaz2002
    Congratulations on your losses and good luck :)
  • memieof3
    memieof3 Posts: 33
    Hello, Congrads on weight lost. You will love this site. Everyone is caring and helpful and most of all encouraging. Feel free to add me as a friend. You can never have too many friends.:flowerforyou: