

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Buy very very expensive chocolate and portion it out very very carefully. Make it a ritual as you eat it and - take - your - time.

    You will be spoiled for cheaper chocolate and the candy aisles will no longer tempt you.

    Other ideas:
    - black coffee as a replacement boost
    - Chew sugar free mint gum all day
    - Keep your stash in a timed pill safe
    - organic raw carob chips. There is little calorie difference
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    edited July 2018
    I know several people that eats loads of chocolate in a day so maybe chocoholism exists :) . I dont know what works for others but I like to eat a small piece of dark or very rich chocolate. A small amount satisfies my craving.
  • premiumhoney
    premiumhoney Posts: 11 Member
    Dark chocolate is better for you even though the taste is way different
  • Mandylou19912014
    Mandylou19912014 Posts: 208 Member
    tyismc wrote: »
    I need some serious help with this. I wish I hated chocolate I would probably be much lighter. Can someone please tell me what they eat to help with this horrible addiction?

    I’m exactly the same! If I go a day without chocolate then it’s like a massive deal for me! What I try to do is just have it moderately .. it’s my guilty pleasure and I can’t deny myself it. So I just have one bar per week as opposed to every day
  • buffywhitney
    buffywhitney Posts: 172 Member
    psychod787 wrote: »
    I use dark cocoa powder, almond milk, and a little splenda when I get my chocolate milk craving. for 16oz about 75 cals

    This plus a small banana blended with ice about 150 cals
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    fudgesicles and pudding cups are pretty low in calories. I have kinda dropped off the chocolate bandwagon, but there for a long time I was having 2 squares of dark chocolate (dove is my favorite) every night. roughly 85 calories and soooo good. Dark chocolate is much richer and helps some people from over eating. Although Dove is so good that I could still eat the whole bag at once if I wanted.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Have you tried Fiber One Brownies? They're 90 calories and if you put them in the microwave for 10 seconds the chocolate melts. Yum. Plus I think it has 5 grams of fiber which is always a bonus.
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    Have you tried Fiber One Brownies? They're 90 calories and if you put them in the microwave for 10 seconds the chocolate melts. Yum. Plus I think it has 5 grams of fiber which is always a bonus.

    Those things are AMAZING!! The slightly more calories version (think its like 120 or something?) that has chocolate chips and chocolate drizzled on top are even better!! I like them better than real brownies!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,008 Member
    I eat regular milk or dark chocolate when I want, but if I prefer to get a really low-cal chocolate fix, or I just don't happen to be in the mood for something sweet, I choose one of these:

    Teecino chocolate-herbal tea. Drink it plain and it's an essentially zero calorie drink, like black tea or black coffee.

    Crio Bru ground chocolate for brewing. You can make it in a french press either by itself or with coffee, but I've had success throwing a teaspoon on top of my ground coffee in my one-cup pour-over set-up, or about a tablespoon of the chocolate if I'm making a pot. Again, drink it black, and it's essentially a zero calorie drink.

    Lightly sweetened Mexican-style chocolate. Rather using the traditional solid chocolate disks or chunks that you whisk in hot milk, combine powdered unsweetened cocoa (for baking) with ground chilis (I just use cayenne), cinnamon, vanilla, and almond extract or ground almonds if you prefer, with as little sugar as you like. I use about half a teaspoon in a cup. Add hot milk, a little at first to form a paste, then the rest. Stir or whisk to combine.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    It's not an addiction it's just a food you like. It's possible to like it and still achieve your goals:

    - You can have chocolaty things that aren't high in calories often, like adding cocoa powder to things, chocolate pudding, chocolate flavored protein shake, light hot chocolate, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate milk...etc.
    - You can experiment to see if eating chocolate in other forms helps you feel satisfied with smaller portions of it. Some people, for example, find they need less chocolate when it's dark because it's rich. Some find that eating chocolate chips helps them eat less because they take longer to eat...etc.
    - You can have it in larger amounts but less often.
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    Even as I write this I am LOVING my bowl of fresh organic strawberries drizzled with Dark Chocolate (Hershey's syrup =45 calories/tblsp.) Indulgent and so satisfying--it's only around 100 calories and feels SO healthy!!
  • amyjoan1
    amyjoan1 Posts: 47 Member
    There’s rice cakes and on top coat is dark chocolate only 80 calories a piece by element. Very good also I go for more raw organic cocao bc I crave chocolate as well. Go raw has lil squares of chocolate 32 calories a piece I just put organic almond butter on it. So yummy. I’m still searching hope these might help. Also chocolate covered chickpeas!!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I have a chocolate addiction as well. Having one piece a day doesn't work for me. And neither does trying to hide it from myself. Somehow, I always find it! 😋😄🤔
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Kirkland (Costco) has several chocolate flavored protein bars that hit the spot for me (Chocolate brownie, chocolate chip cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter chunk) - all around 180-190 calories. My other favorite for a 'chocolate fix' is Enlightened Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream - 360 calories for an entire pint.
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    I deal with my chocolate addiction by eating chocolate.

    - If possible, I buy things where I can easily separate out 'a serving'. Chocolate bars are just asking for trouble.
    - Nairn's dark chocolate chip oat biscuits are wonderful; they give me the feeling of having a chocolate chip cookie, but they're small and low in calories :)
    - Using low-cal hot chocolate can be a more calorie-friendly way of getting that chocolatey satisfaction
    - Finishing off a snack time with something nice that ISN'T chocolate can help put the brakes on any binge urge that's been triggered

    I hope that's useful to someone :)
  • saires_au
    saires_au Posts: 175 Member
    edited July 2018
    One of my biggest struggles and contributor to my weight gain was lack of moderation with chocolate. Things that have helped me

    Not buying large/family sized blocks of chocolate

    Allowing either 10-20g dark chocolate or a mini milk chocolate each day

    Buying quality chocolate even if it’s more expensive as I’m now eating less and want to enjoy it

    If I’m having squares of choc I put it on a little sauce dish and nibble it slowly. I leave the rest in the fridge out of arms reach

    I found a hot chocolate brand that I like that’s 50cal a cup so I’ll have that instead of chocolate some days
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    edited July 2018
    it’s a little pricey, but when I have the absolute worst chocolate craving I find I’m able to knock it out with chocolate e’toiles from Chatila’s Bakery! So far, they are the BEST (and low calorie) chocolate dessert out there! The top is like a rich chocolate ganache and the bottom is cake. I like to microwave it for about 10 seconds, right before it melts, so the ganache part gets a little warm but stays firm. I’ve also had them frozen and they’re really good! One e’toile is about 180 calories, but in the winter you can order the peanut butter chocolate e’toile from the company. Chatila’s sells it by the 6-pack, but doesn’t package it nearly as good as Linda’s Diet Delites, which sells it by the 4-pack and offers options for additional insulation. Well worth a splurge, I get it every birthday instead of traditional cake now so I don’t feel guilty about splurging!
    I've also ordered chocolate brownies from Simply Scrumptous (also sold on Linda's Diet Delites or you can order it from the company for less money in bulk) which taste JUST like fudge and have under 100 calories!!!!
  • unicornpickles
    unicornpickles Posts: 30 Member
    Amazing grass chocolate is good. Plus you get greens and a little chocolate kick :)
  • amyjoan1
    amyjoan1 Posts: 47 Member
    What is grass chocolate? I’ve never heard of it. Sounds interesting!!
  • unicornpickles
    unicornpickles Posts: 30 Member