New and possibly switching from weight watchers

Hi everyone! I’m new here. :) since December I’ve been doing weight watchers and have lost 33 lbs on that program. I enjoy it, but lately I’ve had a very hard time sticking to my daily points and I’ve been plateaued for about 6 weeks. I decided to try counting calories and watching macros to see if that would help me get these last 20lbs off.

Has anyone made the complete switch from weight watchers to MyFitnessPal and have been successful? So I’m liking this app way more than my weight watcher app.... just hoping I’ll get some better results (not to mention this is FREE).


  • longbranch92
    longbranch92 Posts: 22 Member
    I lost 60lb on WW and I’m still an online member. I love the support on Connect. But I’ve hit a very long plateau so thought i would add something different to the mix. It’s only been a couple of weeks and so far it’s been good. I think there are several WW people who do both. Good luck on your journey!
  • julieplummer875
    julieplummer875 Posts: 6 Member
    @allisonlane161 yeah I initially dual tracked to compare.... it was pretty similar aside from days where I ate a bit more sugar. On my sweet tooth days it had me at a pretty big difference. If i stick to zero point and high protein it seems to be pretty similar though.

    Thank you for your insight! :)
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I really like the weight watchers recipes. They are usually tasty and low calorie and mostly easy to make. That’s the best part.
    Other than that, why pay for something that is rooted in calories any way? All weightloss is calorie deficit, so you can do that for free with this app and a modest investment in a food scale. Just my two cents!
  • julieplummer875
    julieplummer875 Posts: 6 Member
    @elizawho48 congrats on being down 30 lbs!!! Yeah I agree I think the calorie difference can be pretty huge between the two programs.... especially if you are working out! I’ve been plateaued on WW for 6 weeks myself.... one week tracking on here and I broke it by losing 1.2. I don’t think I was getting enough nutrition. I’m going to give it a couple more weeks before I fully quit, but I’m definitely leaning in that direction!

    @GemstoneofHeart I really like their recipes too.... but you can find a lot of WW recipes online now too so that’s not gonna hold me back! I already have a food scale and I’m likely going to make the complete switch myself. :)

  • Jennacita
    Jennacita Posts: 116 Member
    I just quit last week. I joined WW in Sept of 2017 and found success first time ever. I slowly lost 17 pounds but I was double tracking here the same time. I've used MFP since 2009 with little success, not because of MFP but because I was tracking but not keeping myself in a deficit. I think the accountability WW gives is priceless but sometimes a girl wants a treat without it being your entire day worth of points. I have 20 pounds more to go to reach WW lifetime. That could take me a lifetime, lol. So due to the expense part of it I decided to cut the cord. I'm team turtle. I lose slowly but as long as it stays gone I'm happy.
  • Sweetsfreak
    Sweetsfreak Posts: 1 Member
    Funny, I'm here for the same exact reason. I've been "on" and "off weight watchers many times. I lose 20 pounds, go off it, regain it, etc. The new program works but is very restrictive. I'm thinking I need a change.
  • cathyreames62
    cathyreames62 Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on the 30 lb loss.
    I did weight Watchers many years ago and lost a lot of weight and gained it back plus more. I find it to be a diet not a lifestyle. You need a lifestyle change in your food intake. A fitness tracker and an app like MFP is that in my opinion.
    Good luck with continued success.
  • Warriorprincess60
    Warriorprincess60 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a gold member on ww but decided to make the change and join mfp because of the amount of bit*ching that goes on there. The New points system left me hungry most days.