Starting out advice (binge eater) & any other 'IBS' users?

24_ARK Posts: 3 Member

I've lingered on and off of here looking at the success stories but never taken the leap of giving it a proper go.

I'm about 215lbs, 5ft 3in tall, mid-twenties and female. I'd like to lose at least 75lbs.

I would really like to get back into the gym and fitness - a goal of mine is to have the physical ability to run a half marathon or take part in a triathlon. At current, I don't have the fitness level to walk up a flight of stairs without breathing heavy.

I feel like if I could stick to a diet for 30 days, I could keep it up. I just struggle to avoid binge eating.

I also struggle with IBS-D and stomach discomfort/pain, which is a huge reason I'd like to shed the weight and pick up on a healthy lifestyle. Doctors simply don't know what is going on after various testing & I think a complete health kick could give me the best chance at getting somewhere with dealing with it. However, I've become very extremely anxious with eating throughout my working week - I tend not to eat much during the day and eat a lot after I get home and throughout the weekend...then suffer for it. I believe I can be better or cope with it better with the symptoms if this is lifelong - I pray not though. I'm desperate and don't think I can go on like this for much longer as it's making me miserable and life difficult for me.

With that said, have any other IBS MFP users found this limited diet has improved their symptoms? Is there anything you've found does or doesn't help? Any information/advice will be greatly received.

If anyone would like to add me as a friend on here - perhaps regular gym goers or people of similar stats, even anyone who just would like to share motivation, that would be great.

Looking forwards to getting going and getting to know some of you. :smile:


  • 24_ARK
    24_ARK Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you so much for your reply and for taking the time to provide so much advice.

    I've been on an on/off diet regarding gluten and lactose as well as a short period looking at the FODMAP. A doctor mentioned it and gave me a list however I'm still not with a dietician. I'm unsure if this is something I can ask for at the doctors to push the process along (I am referred to the gastroenterologist, and dietician was the next step but it is taking forever). Similar to what you said, I was told it is not a life long diet so I'm somewhat unsure of which direction to take it. For example, how long does it take to know if the diet if having an affect on my body so that I can start reintroducing certain foods to see the result?

    Exercise is on the adgender, it is something I'm wanting to uptake anyway so if that has a positive affect on the symptoms that would be amazing.

    I will investigate fermented foods.

    I have tried probitoics, no affect despite reccomendation by my doctor. So this point also makes sense. I shall try fermented :).

    Anxiety does make things worse, unfortunately mine seems to be triggered by the IBS and quiet spaces & having no private toilet etc at work worries me. Because my symptoms are daily and often constant, I struggle to kick the anxiety. Very frustrating and makes some situations impossible but I am working on it.

    Thank you once again for the reply, hugely appreciated.