NET CALORIES??? I'm so confused! Please HELP!

I'm STILL trying to understand exactly what net calories are? Lol. I only go to the gym 3x a week and still try to maintain a healthier diet :) What exactly is net calories?


  • ckclontz
    ckclontz Posts: 68
    Your net calories are the calories that you have NOT used by exercising. If you eat 1000 calories and do 200 calories' worth of exercise, your body is considered to have eaten only 800 calories.

    Whether or not you choose to eat back your exercise calories, however, is up to you.

    Good luck and good health! :)
  • chastitykelly
    chastitykelly Posts: 9 Member
    Net calories are the calories you eat, minus the calories you burn by exercize.
    for examble, Say you eat 1500 calories, but you swim laps for 30 minutes and burn 250 calories. Your net calories for the day is 1250. :) hope this helped!
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Net Calories= calories consumed - calories burned through exercise
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Net calories is the total calories altogether.

    So, for example say that your calorie goal is 1200 calories a day and you exercise to burn off 200 a day. That would mean your NET calories would only be 1000 per day, since the calories you burned off while working out are gone. You can eat the calories you burn again to get to a NET of 1200.

    Hopefully that makes sense.

    To put it in less confusing terms - You always have to eat at least 1200 calories a day. Whatever you burn off within that range needs to be consumed again to get to your total of 1200.