WAY off track weekend

Kar05g Posts: 12
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Gang-

In my meager 30 days or so that I've been using MFP I had my first off track weekend where I exceeded my allotted calories. Friday it was with five beers and Saturday.. it was fried food and handfuls of snacks! I was SO bad... I'm supposed to be at 1200 calories to lose 1.2 lbs a week and had about 1700 Friday and almost 2000 on Saturday (but got right back on track Sunday). So, I'm up three pounds (so my total weight loss went from 7.5lbs down to 5lb... feeling super disappointed in myself, and even a little discouraged! Should I assume this is water weight from the terrible foods I was eating and that I'll settle back down in weight (and fall back to my 8ish lb lost I was at before, or do I have to "re-lose" those pounds? Does this mean I'll never be able to have a bad weekend?

Thanks and help me get my butt back in gear!



  • jram70
    jram70 Posts: 91 Member
    You will be fine. You are back on track that is all that matters. I have weekends like that all the time. I did notice that as my eating and exercising has improved over a longer term, those occasional bad weekends almost have no lasting effect. The extra weight is likely from sodium or water.
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    This confirms that you too are human, so no worries. Off days happen, just like bad decisions happen, the main thing is to not make a habit of it. No need in beating yourself up for what has already happened, instead get back to the basics this week, and work your butt off. You'll drop the weight, and you'll be proud of yourself in no time. Just keep pushing forward!
  • It might just be water weight...its 3000 extra calories that equal a pound gained, isnt it?

    dont worry about the weekend, we all have them! Just start fresh the next day...you'll be back on track before you know it!
  • bflicker11
    bflicker11 Posts: 296
    I had a way off track Friday night. I went WAY over my calories. I went over by about 1000. The next 2 days, I ate under my 1200 calories to try to "recover". It helped as I've now lost weight. I'm not sure if what I did was healthy but it helped me not gain weight. So today I'm going to log in about 1200, my normal amount. Good luck!!!
  • Hi Katie,

    I really wouldn't worry too much about your off-the-wagon weekend. Sometimes beating yourself up for a slip causes more damage than good; you've managed to stay on track for a whole month -- that's something worth celebrating! I'm sure some of the weight is water, sodium, sugar, etc. It will come off. Keep doing what you're doing and forgive yourself the speed bumps along the way -- happens to everyone!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    did the same thing...went over both fri and sat. of the weekend...restaurant fried foods and drinks. All day sunday I drank as much water as I could stand to flush the sodium and this morning I was the same as friday before my craziness started...
    DRINK WATER and watch what you eat closely the next few days and you'll be back to normal!!
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Water from salt from the snacks.

    If the system thinks you'll lose 1.2 lbs a week at 1200, then it has you at a 600 deficit which means your maintenance is 1800. You were still under your maintenance calories Friday and only 200 over on Saturday.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Hi Katie.....opppppsssss

    "Bad weekends" and bad days happen...so what's you're definition of 'bad'??:huh:

    Was it "bad" cos you over eat or "bad" because you gave in or felt you gave in or "bad" cos you dissappointed yourself or "bad" cos of the scales???:huh:

    This is life and there is good and bad all over.:grumble:

    I say get over it...move on....and the more you loose weight the more you will not feel like disappointing yourself..the more you'll want to stay on track FOR LIFE!!!

    All the best

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I had a bad food weekend too: a girls night out on Friday to celebrate my friend's first "grown up" job, a wedding on Saturday, and then dinner with my future in laws on Sunday. Trying to not punish myself too much and just focus on getting back on track.
  • rhonda4444
    rhonda4444 Posts: 21 Member
    Try not weigh right after a day or two of heavy eating. You will most always retain water and be bloated. Which will make you a few pounds-or more-heavier. This can be very discouraging. It is best to get back on track QUICKLY and then wait a few days before stepping on the scale.
  • Kar05g
    Kar05g Posts: 12
    Thanks so much for all the encouraging words! A little glad to see that I wasn't the only one that may have over indulged this weekend ;) I was hoping I would be one of those people I read about on here sometimes who "kick started" their metabolism from having a bad weekend... Now that's clear!
  • I had a BAD BAD BADDDDDDD weekend also, I was out of town friday-saturday and sunday, I didn't even keep track of what I was eating and drinking ...
    I told myself that Monday would be another day, and it sure is, so I drank more water, had a 50mins. walk with my dog this morning and then 60mins. Zumba class tonight. I'm going to try to BURN OFF what I over ate this week and will weigh in on Thursday....
    So this is what I suggest, try burning it off, but I gotta say I had a cheat day last week and still lost 3.2 pounds. Cheats are sometimes good for your body cause it tricks it, change is good!
    I'm pretty sure it'll come off in a few days...
    Hope this could help,
    Happy losing x0x
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    you are swelling from the food... lots of salt and the alocohol can make you swell for days later as well. does for me.
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