Active Duty Spouses

Whether your spouse is home or away, NOW is the time to get fit and healthy. I'm looking for Active Duty Military Spouses just like me who are serious about this journey and truly want to be a part of a wonderful TEAM!!!! I could not have gotten as far as I have without the love and support of my Military family, so come join us as we get fit together:0) We'll bust out ALL the good health and fitness secrets and help each other through not only the weightloss and the eating, but through the rough Military times as well! Can't wait to see who is ready to get down to business!!!! Add me:0)


  • smadrigal04
    My husband is AD Air Force...he is home right now, but getting ready to go down range in December...want to get fit and healthy BEFORE he leaves so he can see me happy with myself. Would love to join you!
  • lillgurly16
    I'm in! My husband just got home from Afghanistan last month. I have gotten really off track with him being home and I'm ready to kick it up a notch and get back to shedding the pounds. I REALLY need some support and someone to stay on me! I would really like to loose a good 15 by Christmas. I think that is a reasonable goal! SO COUNT ME IN IN YOUR GROUP! Thanks :-P
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I'm in! My husband just got home from Afghanistan last month. I have gotten really off track with him being home and I'm ready to kick it up a notch and get back to shedding the pounds. I REALLY need some support and someone to stay on me! I would really like to loose a good 15 by Christmas. I think that is a reasonable goal! SO COUNT ME IN IN YOUR GROUP! Thanks :-P

    My husband is AD Air Force and just got home last week from training all summer in CA. Dont want to fall off the healthy eating just bc he is home again (we also gained a roommate...that has a good metabolism) BAH! Tired of being the biggest wife!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    My husband is AD Air Force...he is home right now, but getting ready to go down range in December...want to get fit and healthy BEFORE he leaves so he can see me happy with myself. Would love to join you!

    I just saw you were from Belleville, IL

    I was born and raised there <3
    My husband and I worked at Scott AFB when we were in college!
    Just got a little excited there lol
  • hardatwork45
    hardatwork45 Posts: 80 Member
    I just saw you were from Belleville, IL

    I was born and raised there <3
    My husband and I worked at Scott AFB when we were in college!
    Just got a little excited there lol

    hey I'm from St Louis not too far, small world :)

    Anyway count me in,
  • CDeguc
    CDeguc Posts: 37 Member
    Yay! It's great to see that we are already building our team here:0) My name is Cassie and I'm originally from Iowa, but I am currently stationed at Fort Gordon with my husband. He's Active Duty Army and will be deploying in the next couple of weeks:0( I know, a bummer, but we'll get through it!

    I want everyone to feel comfortable enough to start posting what they're thinking, going through, or need help with:0) The best way to get through some tough times is to know that others are there to help you through it! Hey, I've met some of my best friends online these past couple of months! Again, I'm just glad we can all connect.

    To start of some conversation, what kind of workout is everyone doing at the moment?

    I'm currently 3 weeks into my P90X/Insanity Hybrid! Lord help me! lol
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Im originally from Southern IL...around St Louis. Now living in Albuquerque, NM

    Currently on day 50 of P90X....and I can't wait till it's over lol
  • CDeguc
    CDeguc Posts: 37 Member
    OMG! Just a few more days! How is your progress? Did you lose weight? Tone up? I toned up A LOT the first round I did, so I went back for a second round:0) I had to move on, but then I realized that I was completely addicted to P90X lol! So I'm back at it again and it's STILL kicking my butt! LOVE IT! Keep up the motivation:0)
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    A lot of toning, but barely any weight loss, and it's kinda driving me crazy bc I only have a few more pounds to hit my goal, but they won't come off.
  • CDeguc
    CDeguc Posts: 37 Member
    A lot of toning, but barely any weight loss, and it's kinda driving me crazy bc I only have a few more pounds to hit my goal, but they won't come off.

    I was the SAME way! I toned up a lot, but barely lost 5lbs! I've only got about 10-15lbs left to hit my goal weight! I am definitely looking and feeling better, but I'm in the Army Reserve myself and would LOVE not to have to be taped!
  • smadrigal04
    I live in Belleville, but definitely not from here! Nothing bad....just don't like living in the midwest...I'm an NC girl, from the beach...miss it sooo much! But definitely need some motivation and support to help me lose this weight!
    I just saw you were from Belleville, IL

    I was born and raised there <3
    My husband and I worked at Scott AFB when we were in college!
    Just got a little excited there lol

    hey I'm from St Louis not too far, small world :)

    Anyway count me in,
  • CDeguc
    CDeguc Posts: 37 Member
    So, my husband deployed today...kind of in a funk, but I know I'm going to have to snap out of it quickly! I want to make sure that when he comes back I'm the girl he first met 4 years ago:0) I've armed myself with some awesome tools for weightloss and I'm going to make it happen! I've got around 199 days before he comes back on R&R...very possible! I'm thinking about taking the Chalene Extreme & TurboFire challenge! If anyone wants to try it out with me, let me know:0)
  • CDeguc
    CDeguc Posts: 37 Member
    So, day 3 and I'm still surviving without my hubby...good to know, lol. I've managed to get myself up early this morning and start a good schedule. I started with a devotion, then finished off "Failing Forward" by John C. Maxwell (great book btw!) and started Chalene Johnson's 30 day Challenge. I'm going to be doing a lot of evaluating when it comes to my goals and I think I have all the tools to get me focused. It's important to have a great support system and accountability falls into that too!

    Hope everyone is pushing strong and staying healthy!
  • CDeguc
    CDeguc Posts: 37 Member
    Alright my friends! It's been over a month (going on 2) since my hubby has been deployed. I think I have done pretty well emotionally. Of course I've had some hang ups, but I find myself pretty fortunate with the amount of technology that is available:0) So, I'm going to continue to look forward to the time he returns and bettering myself!

    I've recently started a 90-Day FIT Challenge in which I "push play" everyday and eat Primal! I've done extremely well eating Primal before, but allowing myself too many "cheat days" the last couple months my husband was home makes me feel like I'm starting all over again. Right now, I find myself in the same transition phase I was in when I first started eating completely clean. A lot of my energy is SPENT by the time I finish a crazy INSANITY workout and I'm struggling to consume an adequate amount of calories. I have paid the price for under-eating too many times! It's time to step it up!

    Haven't heard from any of you in a long time and I hope all is well! Just want to let you know that you're not alone in your struggles AND triumphs! So keep committing and let me know what's up!

    Decide. Commit. Succeed.