finding my place

Hi everyone,

I just joined MFP today after talking to my sister-in-law a few weeks ago about a great way to track diet and exercise as well as weight loss goals.
I really needed something or someone to hold me accountable and I feel like this could be the place! I can't wait to get started and continue my motivation to a healthier and more fit me.
thanks for listening!



  • TiffyCooper
    Welcome! Definitely do not be shy about adding anyone here as friends. Everyone is AMAZING at motivating each other. Especially when you get updates "So and so just lost 3 lbs! Total loss 20" or what ever. :-D

    I just recently (within the past 5 days) also acquired a workout buddy who has been an awesome motivator. With us going to the gym together we push each other further than the day before and get excited when we achieve goals. So if you can get someone to work out with you too, that will also help.
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    Options have come to the right place for motivation. I have been with MFP for a couple months and I have found it to be so helpful with keeping track of my calories and exercise. I have been adding friends and this has been great for motivation and being able to share ideas. Be sure to add friends so you can call on the support when you need it. Good luck!
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    welcome! I've been here just a few weeks, but I love seeing my "friends" updates and cheering them on. also, knowing they can see my updates helps keep me honest! LOL

    feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like :) there are many people here to offer great support and advice.
  • Mlissa41
    Mlissa41 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Eveyone, I just joined a couple of weeks ago. After my best friends told me about this site. I am married, have 4 kids (21,20,18,17) and I work fulltime doing medical billing. Now that the youngest is a senior in high school, its time to focus on myself. I want to lose 40 pounds and just become a healthier person before I turn 40. Feel free to add me...I could use the motivation!!:smile:

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